
Jahking Guillory- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023

Jahking Guillory- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Jahking Guillory- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Jahking Guillory is a well-known American actor best known for his performance in the adventure film Kicks. He is also an accomplished rapper and track and field champion, having won gold medals in the 800-meter and 1500-meter dashes in the ‘Junior Olympics.’

Quick Facts

Real NameJahking Guillory
Nick NameJahking
Date Of BirthMay 14, 2001
Age22 years old
BirthplaceMoreno Valley, Riverside County, California, USA
Height5 feet 10 inches
Weight82 kg
Hair ColorBlack
Eye colorDark Brown
Net Worth$1 million

Jahking Guillory’s Age & Early Life

Jahking Guillory was born in Moreno Valley, Riverside County, California, USA on May 14, 2001. Similarly, he has not divulged his parents’ names. His father is from Louisiana, while his mother is from Guam, Micronesia. His parents split when he was 12 years old, forcing him to go to Long Beach with his mother. Aside from that, he hasn’t spoken anything about his parents in public. He has an older sister.

He had been a football fan since he was a boy when he played for Snoop Dog’s squad. According to his father, his name means “Jah” God and “King” majesty. He is of American descent and was born under the sign of Taurus. Furthermore, he is of Haitian descent. In terms of schooling, he attended a local high school and intends to attend the University of California.

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Jahking Guillory Height & Weight

Jahking Guillory stands about 5 feet 10 inches tall. Similarly, despite his average weight of 82 kg, he has a pleasant disposition. He is admired for his muscular physique and light complexion. He has dark brown eyes and long wavy black hair. However, there is no additional information available about his body measurements, dress size, or shoe size.

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Jahking Guillory- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 1Jahking Guillory- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2

Jahking Guillory’s Net Worth

How much is Jahking Guillory’s net worth? In terms of earnings, he gets a good living from his successful film career. Similarly, his whole net worth is estimated to be $1 million as of 2023. Aside from that, there is no information on his asset worth or pay. He is now enjoying a lavish lifestyle with his mother and sister.

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Jahking Guillory is mostly an actor. He has been in a number of films and television shows. From 2016 till the present, he has been busy in his acting profession. Guillory made his Hollywood debut in Kicks, an American Adventure film starring Christopher Jordan Wallace, Christopher Meyer, and Mahrshala Ali, in 2016.

The following year, he appeared as ‘Kid K’ with Joey King in the crime thriller film Smartass. Jahking appeared in three episodes of the drama series ‘The Chi’ in 2018. Similarly, he is well-known for his recurring role as Ronnie Martin in the teen drama web series ‘Five Points’. Jahking’s most recent television appearance is as ‘Brandon’ in the American Superhero Drama Television Series Black Lightning(2019-2020).

Jahking Guillory Girlfriend & Dating

Who is Jahking Guillory dating? In terms of his romantic life, he is now dating someone. Rob, on the other hand, likes to keep his personal life a secret. He never shares anything that even hints at his romantic life. As a result, little is known about the mystery girl. There is insufficient evidence to confirm his relationship status. He might be keeping his love life hidden. We will keep you updated as soon as he talks about his love life.

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Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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