
Jaime Bergman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2023

Jaime Bergman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Jaime Bergman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Jaime Bergman is a model and actress from the United States. In January 1999, she was named Playmate of the Month by Playboy Magazine. She has also been featured in a number of Playboy films.

Quick Facts

Real NameJaime Bergman
Nick NameJaime
Date Of BirthSeptember 23, 1975
Age47 years old
BirthplaceSalt Lake City, Utah
ProfessionModel & Actress
Height5 feet 4 inches
Weight50 kg
Hair ColorBlack
Eye colorBlack
Net Worth$1 million

Jaime Bergman’s Age & Early Life

Jaime Bergman was born on September 23, 1975, in Salt Lake City, Utah, to parents Susan “Sue” Marie Scallion and Ronald Smith Bergman. She will be 48 years old in 2023. Since her infancy, she has been fascinated by the world of beauty and show business. She is an American citizen. Furthermore, she has English, 1/8 Swedish, and maybe another ethnic ancestry. Bergman received his high school diploma from West Jordon High School in Utah in 1993. She used to be a high school cheerleader.

Jaime Bergman Height & Weight

In terms of height, Bergman stands at 5 feet 4 inches (1.63 m). She also weighs around 110 pounds / 50 kg. In addition, her measurements are 34-23-34 inches / 86-58.5-86 cm. Her hair is blonde, and her eyes are blue.

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Jaime Bergman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 1Jaime Bergman- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Husband, Ethnicity 2

Jaime Bergman’s Net Worth

How much is Jaime Bergman’s net worth? Bergman hasn’t disclosed her current salary. However, her current net worth is reported to be approximately $1 million as of July 2023.

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Bergman was the St. Pauli Girl in 1999, the first of the beer brand’s national spokesmodels. She has also previously worked as a Prudential real estate agent. She portrayed ‘B. J. Cummings’ in the Howard Stern Baywatch parody ‘Son of the Beach’ from 2000 to 2002. In addition, to promote the event, she was featured on the cover of Playboy in July 2000, as well as in a fresh nude photo inside.

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Bergman has also featured in major feature films and television programs such as ‘Daybreak,’ ‘Any Given Sunday,’ ‘Bones,’ ‘Screwball: The Ted Whitfield Story,’ ‘Boa vs. Python, ‘It’s All Relative,’ ‘Knee High P.I., ‘Dawson’s Creek,’ ‘Soulkeeper,’ and ‘Gone in Sixty Seconds. She has more than 20 acting credits in total. In addition, she starred in a Dr. Pepper TV advertisement in 2000. Jaime, David, and their pals Melissa and Aaron Ravo launched Chrome Girl, a nail polish business, in 2013.

Jaime Bergman Husband & Marriage

Who is Jaime Bergman’s husband? Jaime Bergman has a husband. On November 24, 2001, she married actor David Boreanaz. From their marriage, the couple has a boy, Jaden (Jaden Rayne Boreanaz, born May 1, 2002), and a daughter, Bella (Bardot Vita Boreanaz, born August 31, 2009). Bella Vita Bardot Boreanaz’s name was eventually changed to Bella Vita Bardot Boreanaz.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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