
Jake Paul ‘pained’ by Logan not wanting to do business with him 2023

Jake Paul ‘pained’ by Logan not wanting to do business with him 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Jake Paul ‘pained’ by Logan not wanting to do business with him. Please like and share if You are interested!

Jake Paul has revealed during a recent interview that he is “pained’ by older brother Logan Paul not wanting to be a part of any of his businesses.

Over the last few years, Logan and Jake Paul have gone from just uploading YouTube videos to becoming well known boxers and wrestlers across the world.

They’ve started their own businesses as well, with Logan Paul joining forces with KSI to start Prime and Jake Paul launching his boxing company Most Valuable Promotions and gambling app Betr.

The influencer brothers have yet to launch a business together, though, and Jake Paul recently revealed how that makes him feel.

Jake Paul wants to run a business alongside Logan

On August 11, Jake Paul joined YouTubers the Cavinder Twins for the debut of their podcast “Twin Talk.” In the episode, the hosts shared how they enjoy working together as sisters which prompted Jake to share his thoughts.

“One of the things that pains me the most is that we don’t do any business together,” Jake shared. “I’ve tried to get him involved with MVP, I’ve tried to give him equity in everything I’m doing and he just like doesn’t want to. I think he wants to create his own story and his own name, but it bothers me.

“I yearn for that so much for us to like be on the same team and it just has always gotten shut down.”

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(Topic starts at 34:21)

Logan hasn’t responded publicly to his younger brother’s comments as of writing, but we may never know exactly why Logan doesn’t want to work with Jake.

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Logan is partnered with Barstool Bets, which is a direct competitor to Jake’s newest company Betr, so that might be why he isn’t working with him on that.

During an interview with ET, Jake opened up about how “Hollywood Madness” got in between him and Logan, although they’ve become much closer in recent years.

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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