
Jake Paul slams “drunk fool” Conor McGregor for “disrespect” to Anthony Joshua 2023

Jake Paul slams “drunk fool” Conor McGregor for “disrespect” to Anthony Joshua 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Jake Paul slams “drunk fool” Conor McGregor for “disrespect” to Anthony Joshua. Please like and share if You are interested!

YouTuber-turned-boxer Jake Paul has put Conor McGregor on blast, calling out the UFC star for disrespecting Anthony Joshua after his win over Robert Helenius.

After redeeming himself for his loss against Tommy Fury, taking the win over former UFC fighter Nate Diaz via unanimous decision on August 5, Jake Paul and Conor McGregor have had a heated back-and-forth.

While their rivalry has gone back years, Paul’s fight with Nate Diaz reignited the feud with McGregor, and the Irishman called out both Diaz and Paul after their recent bout. The YouTube star hit back, claiming McGregor “needs to go to rehab” — before he took it a step further, calling him a selfish, self-centered, salty drug addict.

However, their feud hasn’t stopped there, with ‘The Problem Child’ now calling out McGregor again, taking issue with Featherweight and Lightweight UFC Champion for “disrespecting” Anthony Joshua.

Instagram: Jake PaulAfter his first bout, Jake Paul said it would be “cool” for either him or Logan to touch gloves with McGregor one day.

Jake Paul calls Conor McGregor “drunk fool”

McGregor joined AJ in the ring after he KO’d his opponent Robert Helenius in the seventh round — where he brought a “victory pint” of his very own Forged Irish Stout for the boxer.

In an August 14 tweet, Jake couldn’t help but note the disrespect that the UFC star showed toward Anthony Joshua, slamming McGregor as a “drunk fool” for trying to force him to try his beer.

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“The drunk fool trying to force AJ to drink his upstart beer brand is top-shelf disrespect,” Jake wrote, before congratulating the British boxer on his win. “Great win champ,” he said.

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Things are clearly heating up between Jake Paul and Conor McGregor, and they’re certainly creating hype amongst fans with the idea of them potentially touching gloves. But for now, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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Written by mybio

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