
Jersey Shore’s Angelina Pivarnick calls police over alleged domestic abuse from fiancé 2023

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In this Article, We will know about Jersey Shore’s Angelina Pivarnick calls police over alleged domestic abuse from fiancé. Please like and share if You are interested!

Jersey Shore’s Angelina called the police to her NJ home on her fiancee.

Jersey Shore’s Angelina Pivarnick called the police over an altercation with her fiancée, Vinny Tortorella.

Though Jersey Shore’s Angelina Pivarnick has had a rough history on the show, having been on and off it throughout the years, she’s back for Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

The second part of Season 6 Jersey Shore: Family Vacation may have just premiered, highlighting the happiness of all nine of the cast mates being together for the first time since 2009, but that hasn’t stopped Angelina from being in the headlines.

Angelina and her fiancée Vinny became engaged in front of the Shore mates and thousands of people, as he popped the question in the first part of Season 6 of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

Though Angelina answered, “100 times over, yes, babe,” her and Vinny’s engagement has been off to a rocky beginning, as Angelina had to recently call the police on Vinny for domestic violence.

Instagram: vinnyhandsomeAngelina Pivarnick and her fiancee Vinny Tortorella.

Angelina asks for privacy amid domestic violence dispute 

Recently, the Staten Island native had to call the police on her fiancée Vinny Tortorella. In a report filed by the Freehold, NJ police department she alleged that Vinny and her were in a physical altercation. However, Angelina refused to press any charges against her fiancée. 

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Her attorney James Leonard Jr. confirmed with Page Six that Angelina did call the police on Vinny, saying, “I can confirm that Angelina did in fact call the police to her home. After speaking with the officers, Angelina decided not to file charges.”

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He continued to ask for her privacy, saying, “This matter is now closed. Moving forward, Angelina would ask for privacy as it pertains to her personal life.”

Jersey Shore’s Angelina Pivarnick calls police over alleged domestic abuse from fiancé 1Jersey Shore’s Angelina Pivarnick calls police over alleged domestic abuse from fiancé 2Instagram: vinnyhandsomeAre Angelina and Vinny still engaged?

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Vinny’s attorney also made a statement regarding the current relationship status between Vinny and Angelina saying that the two are still in fact engaged despite the domestic dispute. 

He then proceeded to speak on Vinny’s behalf, saying, “Mr. Tortorella denies any act of impropriety that would warrant police involvement and denies any act of domestic violence occurred.”

Sources also shared with Page Six that both Angelina and Vinny are currently filming for Season 7 of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

It’s unknown if the incident will be featured on the show. However, fans can catch up with Jersey Shore: Family Vacation every Thursday on MTV.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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