
Josh Strife Hayes- Wife, Age, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Reddit 2023

Josh Strife Hayes- Wife, Age, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Reddit 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Josh Strife Hayes- Wife, Age, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Reddit. Please like and share if You are interested!

Josh Strife Hayes is a YouTuber and social media personality from the United Kingdom. He rose to prominence after sharing MMO gaming content on the video platform. He has more than 500,000 subscribers on the platform as of now.

Quick Facts

Real NameJosh Strife Hayes
ProfessionYouTuber & social media personality
AgeLate 20s
Date of BirthNot Known
Zodiac SignNot Known
CollegeNot Known
Famous ForYouTube videos

Josh Strife Hayes Biography

Josh Strife Hayes was born in England to a British family. Because his birth date is unknown, his zodiac sign is also unknown. Josh is his nickname. Hayes finished high school at a local educational institute in his hometown. He also attended university to pursue a degree in acting. He worked a variety of jobs before becoming famous on YouTube. He has worked as a paintball marshal, go-kart mechanic, martial arts instructor, and many other jobs.

He taught others how to act because he was unable to become an actor. After a couple of years of doing so, he realized it wasn’t for him. He eventually focused on creating gaming content and became a full-time YouTube star as a result.

Josh Strife Hayes’s Age, Height, and Weight

While Josh Strife Hayes’ exact age is unknown, he is thought to be in his late twenties. He is 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs around 86 kg. Strife has green eyes and black hair. His body measurements are unknown, but he wears a shoe size 12 (US).

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Josh Strife Hayes- Wife, Age, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Reddit 1Josh Strife Hayes- Wife, Age, Height, Net Worth, Wiki, Reddit 2

Josh Strife Hayes’s Career

Josh Strife Hayes began his internet career on March 10, 2017, when he launched a self-titled YouTube channel. On the same day, he also released his debut video. However, he was largely inactive during the first year. In fact, one year after his debut, he had only about 150 subscribers. At the time, he was posting daily vlogs to his channel. He eventually returned to distributing MMO (Massively multiplayer online) gaming content. Despite consistently releasing new content, his content took some time to reach a large audience. In fact, it took him more than three years to reach the ten thousand subscriber mark.

During the lockdown, his content was recommended and viewed by a greater number of users. However, the channel’s growth peaked in May 2021. It was also the same month that he passed 100k subscribers. He created a video titled “Dreamworld – The Scam MMO alpha is here…”, which quickly became his first viral video, garnering nearly a million views. He had over 350k subscribers by the end of the year.

While he has a number of series, his most popular is “Worst MMO Ever?” In these videos, he frequently plays a bad MMO and discusses his thoughts on it. The channel currently has over 737k subscribers and 122 million total video views. He launched his Twitch channel at the same time he launched his YouTube channel. He has streamed a variety of games over the years, including Old School RuneScape, Neverwinter, World of Warcraft, RuneScape, and others. However, he saw no progress and even took long streaming breaks. Though his streaming has recently been inconsistent, his streams now have more concurrent viewers.

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Josh Strife Hayes’s Net Worth

Josh Strife Hayes’ estimated net worth is $275,000 as of July 2023. His main source of income is YouTube. He earns the majority of his money as a full-time YouTube personality by monetizing his content with video ads.

Each month, his three channels receive between 5 and 10 million views. According to our estimates, he could earn around $19,000 per month in ad revenue. He also relies on sponsorship opportunities to supplement his income. He has previously worked on Albion Online, Guild Wars 2, and other games.

He also has a Patreon account where his fans can financially support him. He created an account on the platform because he does not yet have a dedicated sponsor. He offers six membership plans ranging from £1 to £16.66. At the time of writing, he is earning over £2,250 per month from over a thousand Patrons.

Josh Strife Hayes Relationship Status

He is currently unmarried and thus does not yet have a wife. In terms of his romantic life, he is also single. He has, however, been romantically linked with at least one woman in recent years.

His nationality and ethnicity are both British. Apart from pictures of his pets and friends, he hasn’t shared a single picture of his family members on social media. As a result, no information about his parents or siblings is available.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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