
KSI responds to Logan and Jake Paul’s clash after Prime was banned from Nate Diaz fight 2023

KSI responds to Logan and Jake Paul’s clash after Prime was banned from Nate Diaz fight 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about KSI responds to Logan and Jake Paul’s clash after Prime was banned from Nate Diaz fight. Please like and share if You are interested!

KSI has said it’s outrageous that Logan Paul wasn’t allowed to promote Prime at the Jake Paul vs Nate Diaz fight after the two Paul brothers had a heated dispute.

Following Jake’s triumph over Nate Diaz on August 5, the younger Paul brother featured on Logan’s Impaulsive podcast, where the two got into a bit of a heated discussion.

According to Logan, DAZN denied the ‘Maverick’ from promoting his Prime Hydration anywhere at the venue — with him unable to even bring a bottle into the arena — something that didn’t sit right with him.

Clearly frustrated, Logan raised the issue during the latest episode of Impaulsive, resulting in a bit of a clash between the two brothers. Now, the other Prime co-founder and Jake Paul’s biggest rival KSI has responded.

KSI reacts to Logan & Jake Paul’s dispute

In a recent August 11 YouTube video, KSI reacted to the dispute between the two brothers, where he called the situation outrageous.

“The fact that DAZN didn’t let Logan Paul enter the arena with a Prime bottle or his Prime chain or anything Prime, he just had to go as himself. Outrageous, outrageous,” he said. “Super weird behavior. Why does [Jake Paul] care so much? He’s so triggered by me.”

He continued: “You’re insecure about Prime, and you’re insecure about the Prime card being promoted on your event because you want it to be all about you. Which is fine, it’s just weird behavior to try and act like you’re not bothered.”

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(Timestamp at 13:53)

In the same dispute, Logan noted how KSI’s Misfits Boxing events still promote Jake Paul’s fights despite them being rivals. Yet, Jake Paul is reluctant to even help promote his brother’s company.

While admittedly annoyed that DAZN promotes ‘The Problem Child’ and his bouts, KSI explained he doesn’t care enough to go out of his way.

“We just don’t care that much. Why would have that in the contract saying Jake Paul events can not be promoted on Misfits?” he said. “Why would we care? We just don’t give a sh*t!”” Why would we care? We just don’t give a sh*t!”

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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