
Lara Grice- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 2023

Lara Grice- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Lara Grice- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Lara Grice is a model and actress from the United States. Her most notable performances were ‘The Mechanic’ in 2011, ‘The Final Destination’ in 2009, and ‘Deja Vu’ in 2006.

Quick Facts

Real NameLara Grice
Nick NameLara
Date Of BirthAugust 11, 1971
Age53 years old
BirthplaceNew Orleans, Louisiana, USA
ProfessionModel, Actress
Height5 feet 7 inches
Weight60 kg
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye colorBrown
Net Worth$1 million-$5 million

Lara Grice’s Age & Early Life

Lara Grice was born on August 11, 1971 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Grice is 53 years old and of American nationality. According to astrologers, she is of Caucasian race and was born under the sign of Leo. Grice graduated from the University of Dallas with a Bachelor of Arts in Arts with an emphasis in acting. There is currently no information available about her parents or siblings.

Lara Grice Height & Weight

In terms of body measurements, she is a pretty girl with an amazing and cool personality. Lara Grice is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs around 60 kilograms. She has a nice body figure and is in good health. Her hair is blonde, and she has brown eyes.

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Lara Grice- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 1Lara Grice- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Ethnicity 2

Lara Grice’s Net Worth

How much is Lara Grice’s net worth? Lara Grice’s net worth is believed to be between $1 – $5 million USD as of July 2023, however her salary and income have not been reported.

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Lara Grice portrayed Pearl Fruge in the American mystery documentary television program ‘Unsolved Mysteries’ in 1987. She landed the role of Gloria in the American drama television series ‘Orleans.’ From January 7, 1997 through April 10, 1997, the program broadcast 8 episodes. During the same year, she made her film debut in the indie film ‘Favorite Son.’ In 2003, she played the part of Blonde Decoy in the American thriller film “Runaway Jury.”

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She appeared in the Disney Channel Original Movie ‘Stuck in the Suburbs,’ which debuted on July 16, 2004, as the Soccer Mom or Olivia’s mother. ‘The Reaping,’ an American supernatural horror thriller film, cast her as Isabelle in 2007. Similarly, Grice portrayed Mrs. Finch in Simon West’s 2011 American action thriller film, ‘The Mechanic.’ She played Bethany, an advertising, in the American romantic comedy film ‘Girls Trip,’ starring Regina Hall, Tiffany Haddish, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Queen Latifah.

Grice starred in the 2018 American drama television series ‘Queen Sugar.’ She has appeared in films with WWE stars like as John Cena, Rob Van Dam, and Paul Wight (aka The Big Show). Michael Carney directed the American Christian Drama Film ‘Same Kind of Different as Me,’ which was released on October 20, 2017. It is based on the 2006 book of the same name. The major cast of this film includes Greg Kinnear, Djimon Hounsou, Jon Voight, Stephanie Leigh Schlund, and Renee Zellweger. The film did not make a profit since it only made 6.4 million USD at the box office, despite a budget of around 6.5 million USD.

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Lara Grice Boyfriend & Dating

Who is Lara Grice’s dating? According to reports, Lara Grice is probably single. She’s kept the guy in her life a secret. No information about her previous or current relationships has been released to the media.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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