
Large crowd gathers outside woman’s home for confronting street vendor 2023

Large crowd gathers outside woman’s home for confronting street vendor 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Large crowd gathers outside woman’s home for confronting street vendor. Please like and share if You are interested!

A massive group of people circled a woman’s house demanding justice after she went viral for confronting a street vendor in Long Beach, California.

On August 14, a video was uploaded to TikTok showing a woman arguing with a tamale vendor in Long Beach, California.

The clip gathered over 2 million views in a single day as viewers were left outraged over her comments toward the vendor. She accused him of operating his business without a license, claiming he didn’t pay taxes, and telling him, “This is not Mexico.”

The issue seems to have started after the vendor supposedly honked his horn outside her house, which the woman says caused her dogs to start barking uncontrollably, bothering her neighbors.

“When you’re coming here to sell tamales, with no license, no permission, no nothing, stay on that side or that side,” she told the vendor. “I don’t mind if you’re there. Yes, it’s a free street, but in order to do business, like a businessperson, you need a license, and you don’t have one.”

“So do me a favor and honk on that side, like I’ve told you before, or on that side, so that my dogs won’t do this. When my dogs are doing this, they are bothering people. The sun shines for everyone, but that’s why you pay interest, that’s why you pay taxes, that’s why you pay employees.”

“You don’t pay taxes on what you make here, you don’t pay what a businessperson has to pay.Be a businessman, pay the government what you have to pay. If you don’t want to pay this government, go to Mexico and do what you want. This is not Mexico. This is the United States.”

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Viewers were so outraged over the situation that a huge group of protestors figured out the woman’s location. They then gathered outside her home later that day, demanding that she issue an apology for her remarks.

After “an hour” of protesting, the woman finally came out into her yard to address the situation. She was even handed a megaphone to speak over the crowd due to the sheer volume of their cries.

According to a protester who was present at the demonstration, “dozens, if not hundreds,” of people showed up to make their feelings known.

“After almost an hour of protesting and making noise in front of her home, she finally came out and showed her face,” they wrote. “Everyone gathered in front of the fence and said everything they had to say to her.”

This isn’t the first time that TikTok has taken matters into its own hands. Earlier this month, a woman went viral after reporting a man for sniffing herself and other women while browsing at a Barnes and Noble store.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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