
Laura from Below Deck Down Under says her actions were “sensationalized” for the series 2023

Laura from Below Deck Down Under says her actions were “sensationalized” for the series 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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Laura from Below Deck Down Under season 2

Laura Bileskaine from Below Deck Down Under is taking to Instagram to claim her scenes were “manipulated” and “sensationalized” for TV.

Laura Bileskalne was terminated in episode 7 of Below Deck Down Under for sexual misconduct against Adam Kodra. The second steward repeatedly engaged in a sexual flirtation with Adam, despite his persistent rejection of her advances.

Laura’s behavior towards Adam, along with her inconsiderate response to Luke Jones’ sexual violation against Margot Sisson, is what ultimately led to Captain Chambers making the decision to let her go. 

Since her firing, Laura has received a slew of angry responses from Below Deck Down Under viewers who found her behavior on the show deplorable. And while the former crew member has previously apologized for her actions, she is now backpedaling by stating that the series manipulated her scenes to make her look bad. 

Laura from Below Deck season 2 claims the reality series was “sensationalized” to make her look bad

According to the former second steward, who she is in real life and who she was portrayed to be on the Bravo series are not in alignment. 

She took to her Instagram story to address the backlash she’s received.

“It’s crucial to separate the character portrayed on television to the real person behind the scenes,” she wrote. “It’s disheartening to be subjected to negative judgments and assumptions based on limited footage.”

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Despite Laura’s claims that her scenes are “sensationalized”, fans of Bellow Deck aren’t buying it. 

Viewers took to Reddit to discuss their disapproval of her behavior. 

“Laura is currently trying to tell people that are DMing her that everything was staged for reality television and that everything was scripted for views,” one user wrote on the Below Deck Reddit thread. “They are not friends and they’re not actors. I’m so angry that Luke and Laura are both trying to push this narrative to save face.”

Another agreed, writing, “No one reasonably believes either Laura or Luke’s version of reality. They are clowns. Everyone supports Margot.”

Catch all new episodes of Below Deck Down Under on Bravo.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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