
Love Is Blind fans think Irina Solomonova & Micah Lussier are filming Perfect Match Season 2 2023

Love Is Blind fans think Irina Solomonova & Micah Lussier are filming Perfect Match Season 2 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Love Is Blind fans think Irina Solomonova & Micah Lussier are filming Perfect Match Season 2. Please like and share if You are interested!

Love Is Blind’s Irina Solomonova and Micah Lussier from Season 4 are who fans are guessing will join the Season 2 Perfect Match cast.

It’s not just Season 5 of Love Is Blind that Reality TV fans are patiently waiting for.

Netflix’s Perfect Match Season 2 is also supposed to be released after being greenlit earlier this year.

So far, there has been no official cast list of who is set to star in the show. Yet, fans are already theorizing the hopeful singles looking for love. And two of them happen to be stars of Love Is Blind Season 4. 

Are Love Is Blind’s Micah & Irina in Perfect Match Season 2?

On August 9, a Love Is Blind fan posted a cast theory on Reddit. They believe that Micah Lussier, Irina Solomova, and Justin Glaze from The Bachelorette are starring in Perfect Match Season 2.

The user wrote, “Since starting this topic a couple days ago, there have been zero new IG stories or TikTok posts from either Marshall Glaze, Justin Glaze, Micah Lussier and Irina Solomonova and if you know how much they all post daily this is a sign that they are in a social media bubble with Kinetic Content who produces the show for Netflix.”

The fan also claimed that Marshall Glaze was filming the show, but he is currently in a relationship with Dr. Chay Barnes. But, since Justin Glaze is his cousin, he may be hanging out with him for support.

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Since both Micah and Irina were labeled as the villains of their season, fans were not too thrilled about the theory.

One fan wrote, “Perfect Match is unwatchable and especially unwatchable with Irina & Micah.” We will soon see if these fan theories are true.

To stay updated on all things Love Is Blind and Perfect Match, make sure to check our page here.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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