
Love Is Blind’s Damian Powers reveals his thoughts on ex Francesca Farago’s engagement 2023

Love Is Blind’s Damian Powers reveals his thoughts on ex Francesca Farago’s engagement 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Love Is Blind’s Damian Powers reveals his thoughts on ex Francesca Farago’s engagement. Please like and share if You are interested!

Damian Powers from Love is Blind Season 1 talks about his current friendship with his Perfect Match partner, Francesca Farago.

If one man knows what it’s like to be a star in reality TV it’s Damian Powers. From Love Is Blind to Perfect Match, he’s done it all. And he hasn’t had much luck.

Firstly, he was in an on-screen relationship with Giannina Gibelli in Season 1 of LIB. He ended up rejecting her at the altar and the couple eventually went their separate ways.

Then, he was dating Francesca Farago in the premiere season of Perfect Match. The two ended up splitting, and she is now engaged to be married to content creator Jesse Sullivan.

Needless the say, he has some pretty famous exes. Is he on good terms with either of them? Damian just set the record straight.

Is Love Is Blind’s Damian Powers friends with Francesca?

On August 11, Damian spoke with My Imperfect Life and discussed… his imperfect life. He specifically talked about his current relationships with his exes.

He said, “As far as Francesca goes, super happy for her. We still keep in touch here and there. I see her out sometimes, we still get along great. I haven’t left on bad terms with anyone. And [some] have turned into great friendships as of now.”

The reality TV star also revealed that he and Gianina are no longer on speaking terms.

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Damian said, “I haven’t talked to Gianina in probably about two years, she’s dating somebody else, but she keeps doing podcasts, my name is in it, and I don’t know why. I don’t think we’re on bad terms, but it’s best we probably stay out of each other’s lives.”

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Gianina hasn’t publicly responded to Damian calling her out as of yet.

To stay updated on all things Love Is Blind and the upcoming seasons, make sure to check our page here.

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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