
Love Island UK: Catherine says Islander cheated by secretly using social media in villa  2023

Love Island UK: Catherine says Islander cheated by secretly using social media in villa  2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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Love Island UK season 10 contestants

A Love Island UK season 10 contestant says someone inside the villa secretly checked public opinion through social media.

On Love Island UK, there is a strict policy inside the villa that bans social media access from contestants, which continued into Season 10. There are several factors that ultimately lead to the cast mates not being granted access to Twitter or Instagram during their time on Love Island.

One reason is to protect the contestants’ mental health from public scrutiny. Another significant reason for the ban is that the producers don’t want the islanders to gather insight into public opinion. 

If the contestants know which islanders are fan favorites and which are actively despised, it can ultimately play a big role in who they choose to couple up with as well as how they themselves behave on camera. While this show is about finding romance, it’s also a game show at the end of the day, with a $100,000 cash prize. 

Yet according to Catherine Agbaje in season 10 of Love Island USA, one contestant broke the rules by checking social media. 

Love Island UK contestant Catherine Agbaje says someone checked social media inside the villa

During a SHIIKANE podcast interview with Catherine Agbaje, she said that one contestant (who she kept anonymous) had smuggled a phone into the bathroom stall in order to check social media and gain insight into public opinion. 

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When the podcast interviewers asked if that additional information changed the contestant’s behavior, Catherine didn’t refute the assumption. “They knew stuff that we didn’t,” she said. 

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According to Catherine, despite going against the rules, the contestant did not face any consequences for their actions. While the Love Island contestants have yet to comment on the matter, fans took to the Love Island Reddit thread to discuss their theories as to who the culprit was.

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“I think it’s Ty,” one fan suggested. “He’s always on the phone.” Another agreed, saying, “Ty’s been seen in numerous shots on his phone…”

Alternatively, someone suggested another contestant who is known to be a bit of a troublemaker with producers. “I think it could be Mitch” one person suggested, “because a few islanders have come out and said he was someone that used to get into trouble with the producers.”

So far, though, it’s unconfirmed which cast member, if any, smuggled a phone into the Love Island Villa.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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