
Love Island’s Leo tells Kassy he “went too far” with bombshell Johnnie 2023

Love Island’s Leo tells Kassy he “went too far” with bombshell Johnnie 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Love Island’s Leo tells Kassy he “went too far” with bombshell Johnnie. Please like and share if You are interested!

Although Leo and Kassy were closed off and exclusively seeing each other, when bombshell Johnnie entered the villa, all bets were off.

Love Island USA’s Leo and Kassy have had a strong bond for the better portion of Season 5, as Kassy stole him from Anna earlier on in the show.

Their relationship was so strong that it withstood multiple bombshells that entered the villa. However, when Casa Amor added 13 new islanders, Leo and Kassy met the ultimate test of trust.

Though both Leo and Kassy kept it flirty while the villa was split into two, Kassy had the upper hand when she was given a video showing Leo’s infidelity with new bombshell Johnnie.

Instagram: loveislandusaLeo and Kassy addressed their relationship after Leo cheated.

Leo saddened by “betraying” his “best friend” Kassy

Leo and Kassy were one of Love Island’s top contending couples before Casa Amor took over the Fijian villa. Fans of theirs were even so supportive, that they said Leo and Kassy were the “only couple” they could morally root for.

However, when bombshell Johnnie stepped into the villa, she quickly took to Leo, leaving him prey to inevitable flirtation, which was something he’s struggled with for the entire show.

As Leo would put it, his first chat with Johnnie had him “unfolding” faster than quicksand, putting his and Kassy’s relationship in a predicament.

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Unfortunately, Leo’s feelings got the best of him while Kassy was away in the Casa. He caved and ultimately slept with the new bombshell Johnnie after only two days of knowing each other.

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Though Leo may not have thought his discretion would come back to bite him, it did, as Kassy and the girls at Casa were given a video showing what the boys were doing in the villa — Johnnie being one of them.

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After realizing that Leo slept with Johnnie, Kassy decided to couple up with Matia during the re-coupling ceremony, which brought all of the islanders and bombshells together to decide their fates. 

Love Island’s Leo tells Kassy he “went too far” with bombshell Johnnie 1Love Island’s Leo tells Kassy he “went too far” with bombshell Johnnie 2Instagram: loveislandusaKassy chose Matia during the re-coupling ceremony instead of Leo.

Leo also made the choice to re-couple with someone other than Kassy, as Johnnie was still fresh on his mind. However, after the ceremony, he essentially avoided Johnnie until Kassy pulled him for a chat.

As the exes hashed out their differences, Leo couldn’t help but admit to his wrongs to Kassy, saying, “I just went too far, and I’m about to lose my best friend. You’re still my girl. You’re still the one that I want.”

Leo also questioned his own actions, saying, “How could I betray my best friend?” He continued, “The only girl I cared about doesn’t want to look at me — and I don’t blame you for that.”

Though Kassy ended the conversation with Leo saying things were over, Leo later pulled Johnnie for a talk to tell her that the door was still open between him and Kassy, leaving Johnnie in a love triangle that she never intended to be in.

Love Island’s Leo tells Kassy he “went too far” with bombshell Johnnie 3Love Island’s Leo tells Kassy he “went too far” with bombshell Johnnie 4Instagram: loveislandusaAfter avoiding Johnnie, Leo finally pulled her aside to talk about their intimacy.

Fans of Love Island USA can tune in tonight at 9 PM on Peacock to watch Episode 27, where previews from the previous Episode showed both Kassy and Johnnie in tears, as Leo is going to have to make a decision on who he will remain with and without. 

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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