
Love Island’s Molly Marsh shades Kady McDermott over “friendship” question 2023

Love Island’s Molly Marsh shades Kady McDermott over “friendship” question 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Love Island’s Molly Marsh shades Kady McDermott over “friendship” question. Please like and share if You are interested!

Love Island’s Molly Marsh from Season 10 just set the record straight on her friendship – or lack thereof – with Kady McDermott.

Molly Marsh had quite the rollercoaster ride when it came to her journey in Love Island Season 10. She had a good connection going with Zachariah Noble until Kady McDermott showed up.

Kady chose to couple up with Zach, which led to Molly being dramatically dumped from the villa instantly. In a shocking turn of events, Molly came back during Casa Amor and won his heart again.

The couple ended up being in the finale and placing fourth overall. Kady and her man Ouzy See, however, were dumped and have now broken up.

Needless to say, Molly and Kady had a pretty tense start. But is friendship possible for the two? Molly just answered the question.

Does Love Island’s Molly want to be friends with Kady?

On August 14, Molly spoke with OK! Magazine about Kady and where the two of them currently stand.

She said, “We expected this to come up because she’s been part of our journey and where we are now is because of everything we’ve gone through. But I think it’d be a bit of an awkward friendship. I’d kind of rather not.”

The reality TV star went on to deem Kady an “ex,” stating that she needs some space from her.

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Molly added, “I explained it before as like having an ex in your house every day. That was the feeling I had, and it was just one that I’d rather not have to think about. We’re moving on and leaving it behind.”

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Kady hasn’t publicly responded to Molly’s comments as of yet.

To stay updated on all things Love Island and the upcoming seasons, make sure to check our page here.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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Written by mybio

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