
Love Island’s Montel Mckenzie denies Leah’s allegation that he cheated on her 2023

Love Island’s Montel Mckenzie denies Leah’s allegation that he cheated on her 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Love Island’s Montel Mckenzie denies Leah’s allegation that he cheated on her. Please like and share if You are interested!

Love Island’s Montel McKenzie just posted his public response to the rumor that he cheated on Leah Taylor.

It’s been exactly two weeks since the Season 10 finale, and couples are already parting ways.

Catherine Abaje and Elom Ahlijah-Wilson were the first to split. The two ended their relationship right after they left the villa. And now, it seems she has kindled with islander Scott van-der-Sluis.

Then, Kady McDermott and Ouzy See announced their breakup, citing “remorseful” actions on his part.

Leah Taylor and Montel McKenzie have also broken up. But, just like Kady & Ouzy’s split, it doesn’t appear to be amicable. In fact, Leah accused him of cheating on her.

Montel has now taken the accusation seriously and just posted a video clearing up the rumor.

Did Love Island’s Montel McKenzie cheat on Leah Taylor?

On August 13, Montel posted a one-minute video on TikTok to address the cheating claims.

He explained that he went out with his friends and took pictures with other women. Leah saw that as stepping out of their relationship, but Montel wanted to clarify that nothing happened between him and the other girls.

“Anyone who was at the event can confirm that nothing ever happened. Nothing would happen,” he said in the video.

Leah has not publicly responded to his video as of yet. Keep in mind that even though he might not have cheated this time around, we all saw him be unfaithful in Season 10 during Casa Amor.

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Needless to say, the couples from this season continue to bring fans drama, now from outside the villa.

To stay updated on all things Love Island and the upcoming seasons, make sure to check our page here.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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