
Man gets revenge on landlord with Shrek after getting kicked out 2023

Man gets revenge on landlord with Shrek after getting kicked out 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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TikToker thatprojectorguy claimed his landlord “kicked him out” and soon got his revenge by projecting the Shrek movie onto the building.

Most of us have some sort of bad experiences when it comes to renting a property. Sometimes it might be issues with your roommates or neighbors, and sometimes it’s the landlord.

TikToker thatprojectorguy recently went viral after sharing his experience of getting revenge on his landlord who allegedly “kicked him out” of the building.

In a viral clip that’s garnered more than 2.6 million views, thatprojectorguy decided to grab his projector and blast the first Shrek film on the apartment building he was allegedly kicked out of.

“My landlord kicked me out of my apartment building without any warning and won’t even let me back in to get my stuff so I’m just going to project Shrek at max brightness and volume every night until they let me back in,” thatprojectorguy said in the video.

“Projecting Shrek on my apartment building until my landlord lets me back in,” he writes in the caption.

This wasn’t a one-time thing, either. thatprojectorguy uploaded a second video showing his level of commitment.

“Update: my landlord still hasn’t let me back into my apartment after kicking me out without any warning, so I’m continuing to project Shrek with an even brighter and louder projector every night and giving people a show until they let me back in,” he writes in the second clip.

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Viewers are obsessed with his plan

Viewers who saw his clip are eating it up.

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One person wrote: “Honestly just project a bunch of movies and enjoy yourself.”

Another said: “you’re an inspiration i hope you get your stuff back.”

“Would say just call the police… but this is too funny to not do,” a third said.

Other folks offered other suggestions for movies and genres, such as Megamind or a horror movie. That idea seemed to intrigue thatprojectorguy, who asked, “Which one?” One person suggested The Human Centipede.

While many folks appeared to love the idea, other commenters said thatprojectorguy could have taken a more productive approach. Like this person who wrote: “Bro call the police, get a lawyer, DO ANYTHING MORE PRODUCTIVE THAN PLAYING SHREK.”

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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