
Matthew Sato- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023

Matthew Sato- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Matthew Sato- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Matthew Sato is a well-known singer and actor from Mililani, Hawaii. He is most recognized for his roles as Brandon in the popular television series Grown-ish and Robby in Chicken Girls. In addition, he was featured as a guest on the CBS show Hawaii Five-O.

Quick Facts

Real NameMatthew Sato
Nick NameMatthew
Date Of BirthApril 19, 2001
Age22 years old
BirthplaceMililani, Hawaii
Height5 feet 10 inches
Weight65 kg
Hair ColorBrown
Eye colorBrown
Net Worth$1.5 – $2 million

Matthew Sato’s Age & Early Life

Matthew Sato was born in Mililani, Hawaii, on April 19, 2001. Matthew Keoni Sato was his given name at birth. He is 22 years old as of 2023. He is of Caucasian ancestry and is of American nationality. His zodiac sign is Aries, according to the astrologist’s birth chart. He has not disclosed any information regarding his parents’ genuine names or identities.

Aside from that, he has three elder brothers and one sister: Gavin, Bradon, and Mark, and Ashley Sato. In addition, he has not provided any specific information on his educational background. He seems to have finished his secondary education at a private institution.

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Matthew Sato Height & Weight

Matthew Sato is a tall and gorgeous actor who measures 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 65 kg. Mesomorph is his body type. His exact body size, chest size, breast size, and hip size are being evaluated. Aside from that, he has a light complexion, brown hair, and brown pairs of lovely eyes.

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Matthew Sato- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 1Matthew Sato- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2

Matthew Sato’s Net Worth

How much is Matthew Sato’s net worth? He has made a good living as an actor, and his net worth is estimated to be between $1.5 – $2 million as of July 2023. In addition, his yearly pay and weekly earnings are being reviewed.

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He was passionate about acting and singing. He began his acting career at an early age. His first cinematic appearance was as Boy #1 in Hawaii Five-O. He established his name and renown in the entertainment world after acting in this film. Similarly, his other notable films include Solve as Alex (2020), Save Me as Jason (2020), Chicken Girls as Robby (2018-2020), It Counts as Student (2020), Chad as Evan Baxter(2021), Doogie Kamealoha, M.D as Kai Kamealoha(2021), NCIS as Zack Taylor(2022), Grown-ish as Bardon(2022), and High School Musical: The Musical: The Series as Mack(2023).

Chicken Girls is a well-known American online series. The cast for this series was announced in 2020. Chicken Girls was directed by Chris Campbell, Ethan Dawes, and John Esparza and written by Janey Feingold and Samantha Silver.

Matthew Sato Girlfriend & Dating

Who is Matthew Sato dating? Matthew Sato is now dating TV actress Emma Meisel. They are both in a happy relationship. These lovely couples often post adorable coupled images on their social media profiles.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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