
Max Bemis- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023

Max Bemis- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Max Bemis- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Max Bemis is a well-known American lead vocalist, songwriter, and lyricist for the band Say Anything. Bemis also performs in the supergroup Two Tongues with Chris Conley. In addition, he co-creates Perma with his wife, Sherri Dupree-Bemis, and works as a Marvel Comics writer.

Quick Facts

Real NameMax Bemis
Nick NameMax
Date Of BirthApril 06, 1984
Age39 years old
BirthplaceNew York City, New York, USA
ProfessionSinger, Composer, Lyricist
Height6 feet 0 inches
Hair ColorLight Brown
Eye colorBrown
Net Worth$3 million

Max Bemis’s Age & Early Life

Max Bemis was born on April 6, 1984. He is now 39 years old. Similarly, he was born in New York City, New York, USA. Max has been very private about his father and mother’s personal information. Furthermore, he has not yet made his siblings’ details public. When it comes to nationality, Bemis is an American, and his ethnicity is Caucasian.

In terms of schooling, the singer attended Windward School for high school. The singer also went to Camp Ramah, where he met his future bandmate, Coby Linder. Bemis attended Sarah Lawrence College as well.

Max Bemis Height & Weight

Max Bemis has a charming appearance and a charming attitude. He has a height of 6 feet. Furthermore, Bemis has brown eyes and light brown hair. Nonetheless, the well-known musician has never revealed any further bodily features in public.

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Max Bemis- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 1Max Bemis- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2

Max Bemis’s Net Worth

How much is Max Bemis’s net worth? Max, a well-known singer, has amassed a sizable fortune through his job. From the year 2000 until the present, he has been actively engaged in his career. Max Bemis is predicted to have a net worth of $3 million as of July 2023. However, the brilliant vocalist has yet to reveal his actual income, earnings, and assets.


Max is Say Anything’s main vocalist, guitarist, and major songwriter, as well as a founding member of the band. After the resignation of other members, he remained the band’s founding member. Junior Varsity was released by the band that year. Baseball, its first full-length record, was also published in 2001. In 2004, Bemis and his band also released Is a Real Boy. The album’s vocals, guitar, bass, and keyboard sections were all done by the vocalist. The band then went on tour with Saves the Day and Hellogoodbye. The album Hebrews was published on June 10, 2014.

Max, Conley, and Linder previously worked together on a rendition of Bob Dylan’s The Man In Me for the 2006 compilation album Paupers, Peasants, Princes, and Kings: The Songs of Bob Dylan. Aside from that, Bemis has appeared in Ready from the Start’s Based on a True Story. He also collaborated with Armor for Sleep on a cover of Today for The Smashing Pumpkins album released in 2008. Max is also a writer, and in July 2016, he released a five-issue series featuring Foolkiller. In 2018, he also wrote the Marvel Legacy reimagining of Moon Knight.

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Max Bemis Wife & Marriage

Who is Max Bemis’s wife? In terms of his personal life, Max Bemis is happily married to Sherri DuPree Bemis. Bemis is a well-known American singer-songwriter best known for his work with the group’s Room Noises, Currents, and I’m Only Dreaming. On July 4, 2009, the pair married. In February 2013, they had their first child, a girl named Lucy Jean. In February 2015, the couple had their second child, Coraline Mae Bemis.

Charles Hanley Bemis, their third son, was born in April 2018. Bemis and his wife had their fourth child, Ellis Ray Shifra Bemis, on April 6, 2020. In August 2018, he also revealed that he is bisexual.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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