
MC Ren- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023

MC Ren- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about MC Ren- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

MC Ren is a rapper, record producer, and songwriter from the United States. He is well known as the producer and proprietor of the Villain record label.

Quick Facts

Real NameLorenzo Jerald Patterson
Nick NameMC Ren
Date Of BirthJune 16, 1969
Age54 years old
BirthplaceCompton, California, USA
ProfessionRapper, Songwriter
Height5 feet 6 inches
Weight78 kg
Hair ColorBlack
Eye colorDark Brown
Net Worth$1 million

MC Ren’s Age & Early Life

MC Ren was born on June 16, 1969, in Compton, California, USA. He is the youngest of three siblings. His father previously worked for the government. He eventually launched his own barbershop. There isn’t much information about his family since he prefers to keep his personal life away from the spotlight.

This composer enrolled in Dominguez High School, where he became interested in hip-hop music and began writing songs. He intended to join the United States Army after graduation but changed his mind after seeing the film Full Metal Jacket. He is of All-American blood.

MC Ren Height & Weight

MC Ren stands 1.73 m tall and weighs 76 kg. Similarly, he has dark brown eyes and black hair.

MC Ren- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 1MC Ren- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2

MC Ren’s Net Worth

How much is MC Ren’s net worth? This rapper earns an average of $65,000 each year. Meanwhile, according to some 2023 sources, his net worth is estimated to be $1 million as of July 2023. He lives in California, the United States.

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MC Ren started his rap career alongside his boyhood pal Eazy-E in 1985. Ruthless Records signed this rapper as a solo artist when he was still in high school. Ren was later invited to create songs for Eazy-Duz-It. He co-wrote more than half of the record and was a member of the group NWA. They immediately began production on the album ‘Straight Outta Compton,’ which was released in August 1988. This album’s single “Fuck Tha Police” became a huge hit. In response to the song’s content, the FBI issued a warning letter.

Straight Outta Compton was released one month after Eazy-Duz-It. After Ice Cube left the group, NWA promptly released the EP 100 Miles and Runnin’ in 1989. Ice Cube launched his first solo album without addressing his old bandmates. Following that, NWA disses him on their EP’s title track, Real Niggaz. All lyrics were composed by MC, with assistance from The D.O.C. The group’s second full-length album, Niggaz4Life, was released the following year and sold 955,00 copies in a week. It was the first rap album to debut at number one on the Billboard list. Ren released his debut solo EP, Kizz My Black Azz, in 1992, after NWA dissolved. This EP was a financial and critical success, and it reached Platinum within two months. The same year, this rapper began work on his first album, Life Sentence.

During the recording process, he joined The Nation Of Islam and was guided by DJ Train, which led to the release of Life Sentence and Shock Of The Hour in 1993. This album sold 321,000 copies in a month and debuted at number one on the R&B charts. Later, in 1994, MC collaborated with Eazy-E on their duet single Tha Muthpukkin’ Real. This song was released as a single in 1995, after Eazy-E’s death from AIDS complications. Ren landed on hard things when DJ Train and Eazy died before the publication of The Villian in Black. The album was published the next year, although it was not well received by reviewers.

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Before departing Ruthless, this rapper released Ruthless for Life in 1998, starring Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, RBCs, and others. On October 31, 2009, his fourth studio album Reincarnated was released by his own record label Villian. The official remix for Rebel Music, starring Ice Cube, was released in June 2014. In 2004, this musician published the direct-to-DVD film Lost in the Game, which he produced, wrote, and directed. Aldis Hodge, an American actor, played MC Ren in the 2015 movie Straight Outta Compton. The next year, at Coachella, this rapper reunited with NWA.

MC Ren Wife & Marriage

Who is MC Ren’s wife? Since June 1993, MC Ren has been blissfully married to Yaasamen Ala. This couple has five children together. Anthony (1989), Ali (1997), Ahmad (1998), Muhammad (2000), and Amenah are their names. Anthony, their oldest son, is an aspiring rapper who goes by the stage name Waxxie.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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