
MoistCr1TiKal “amicably” parts ways with Twitch, marks occasion with debut YouTube stream 2023

MoistCr1TiKal “amicably” parts ways with Twitch, marks occasion with debut YouTube stream 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about MoistCr1TiKal “amicably” parts ways with Twitch, marks occasion with debut YouTube stream. Please like and share if You are interested!

MoistCr1TiKal has announced he officially parted ways with Twitch as his contract has been terminated “amicably”, marking the occasion with his official debut YouTube stream. 

On August 15, MoistCr1TiKal announced that his Twitch contract has been terminated. It was supposedly an ‘amicable’ split by both him and Twitch, as he detailed in a YouTube video explaining his departure titled “Goodbye Twitch”. 

“I am saying goodbye to Twitch, but not fully in the way that you think,” Charlie explained. “My Twitch contract has been terminated, amicably, between myself and Twitch.” 

He thanked the Amazon-backed platform for allowing him to terminate the contract ahead of schedule, despite having “a lot of time” remaining on his contract. 

“I wanted to be able to have the flexibility to stream elsewhere,” he said, echoing his thoughts from earlier this year in which he plans to stream across a number of platforms. “Twitch understood and gave me that firm pat on the ass and said ‘you got get em champ’, so, I’m no longer exclusive with Twitch,” he announced. 

However, despite the departure, the termination was not due to him signing a contract with a rival platform, at least not yet. Rather, he claimed it was purely based on his wishes to spread out and try things on different platforms. 

MoistCr1TiKal announces departure from Twitch as both parties terminate his contract

“This isn’t me announcing that I’ve signed somewhere else with a contract, this isn’t like a LeBron James ‘the decision’ moment where I’m coming up here and saying, ‘I’m taking my talent’, well for me, ‘lack of talent’, to Mixer,” he joked.

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However, despite advocating for streaming contracts, Charlie did have his criticisms of Twitch’s contracts. “If you ask anyone who’s currently under Twitch contracts, you’ll know, they’ll tell you, it is the lowest possible offer across any of the other streaming platforms that have ever offered contracts.” 

He continued to explain that much of the revenue he earns from streaming goes into his esports team, Moist Esports, however, his old Twitch contract was not enough to fund the team alone. 

“The contract was very strict and the payment from the contract was not even enough to cover a single one of the Moist Esports teams. So it all just kind of felt like this contract isn’t really doing anything except making the streams worse, because of having to pump ads into them.” 

And now with the move away from Twitch exclusivity, Charlie just debuted his first YouTube stream. He has in the past streamed on YouTube, however, much of his online history in a live capacity has been with Twitch, even streaming on the site before it was named Twitch. 

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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