
MoistCr1TiKal suffers major YouTube stream issues after Twitch contract ends 2023

MoistCr1TiKal suffers major YouTube stream issues after Twitch contract ends 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about MoistCr1TiKal suffers major YouTube stream issues after Twitch contract ends. Please like and share if You are interested!

YouTuber MoistCr1TiKal suffered some major issues on his first YouTube stream after revealing he ended his exclusivity contract with Twitch.

After years of having his live-streaming content exclusively on Twitch, Charlie ‘MoistCr1TiKal’ White revealed on August 15 that he amicably ended his contract with the Amazon-owned platform.

He’s still partnered on Twitch, but ending his contract has allowed Charlie to stream on other platforms in his spare time and went live on YouTube just an hour after his announcement was uploaded.

In a follow up video, Moist revealed some of the major issues he had during his first stream on YouTube and plans to broadcast on the app again soon.

MoistCr1TiKal shares major YouTube stream mishaps

In a video uploaded less than a day after his first stream, Charlie revealed a few of the issues he faced while getting used to the platform.

MoistCr1TiKal says that every time he changed the title of his stream, it would automatically revert to the title he used when he first tried out the platform six years ago.

On top of that, he found out after the stream that he had his broadcast quality set to 720p which caused it to be quite blurry at times.

Another major issue that Moist had to deal with was the fact that YouTube didn’t send out notifications to his subscribers when he went live. As a measure to prevent spamming, the Google-owned platform limits channels to just three notifications a day.

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Charlie also revealed that he forgot that YouTube streams have a thumbnail, and it’s not automatically generated from the broadcast, so users were met with just a black box.

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Regardless of the issues, MoistCr1TiKal still plans on trying out another YouTube stream to see how he enjoys it. Whether or not he plans on trying other sites like Kick, however, is still unknown.

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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