
Moniece Slaughter: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Parents, Husband 2023

Moniece Slaughter: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Parents, Husband 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Moniece Slaughter: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Parents, Husband. Please like and share if You are interested!

Moniece Slaughter: Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Parents, Husband, Net Worth: Moniece is a popular  American actress, singer, songwriter, social media star, as well as a social media influencer. She was born on the 4th of March 1987 in Los Angeles, California, The United States of America. Moniece is well-known for her amazing acting and singing. She is presently trending on the internet. Because she is pregnant and is expecting her second child.  Moniece revealed the news of her pregnancy following which she came into the spotlight in January 2022.

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What Public Information Is Likely To Be Out There On The Average Person?@media(min-width:0px){#div-gpt-ad-wikibiography_in-box-3-0-asloaded{max-width:728px!important;max-height:90px!important}}Moniece Slaughter: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Parents, Husband 1Moniece Slaughter

People are keen to know about the father of the unborn child and who is he? But Moniece didn’t yet reveal about her unborn’s child father   Although, Moniece revealed the gender of her unborn child. She will be a girl. And  Moniece has kept the name of her unborn’s child father confidential at the moment.  While reading this post, you will know about Moniece Slaughter and her life. So scroll down to read this post!

Moniece Slaughter Video Biography

Moniece Slaughter’s Life and Education

She was born on the 4th of March 1987. The birthplace of Moniece is Los Angeles, California, The United States of America. Moniece belongs to the American nationality.  The current age of the popular American actress Moniece is 34 years and 9 months old as of January 2022. And she will turn 35 years on the 4th of March 2022. The zodiac sign of Moniece is Pisces as per her date of birth.

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@media(min-width:0px){#div-gpt-ad-wikibiography_in-medrectangle-3-0-asloaded{max-width:728px!important;max-height:90px!important}}Moniece Slaughter: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Parents, Husband 2Moniece Slaughter

Moniece is a resident of America. The popular American Moniece celebrates her birthday on the 4th of March each year. Regarding Moniece’s physical appearance, she is 5 feet and 6 inches tall by height. The weight of Moniece’s body is around 54 kg.  Moniece has brown color beautiful eyes as well as black color shiny hair. She is vivacious, ebullient, and diligent. Her personality is decent. Her ethnicity is black.

She is also known as Kali. Her fans call her Kali with affection. According to the sources, Moniece attended El Camino Real High School for her schooling.  From where Moniece received her schooling as well as completed her high school graduation. But the information on Moniece’s further education is not available at the moment. Moniece has not provided any information regarding her further education.


Moniece Slaughter Parents and Siblings

Moniece has shared the details of her parents. The name of Moniece’s biological father is Michael Slaughter. The name of Moniece’s mother is Marla Thomas. Her parents are no longer together. They separated just after the birth of Moniece.  And Moniece doesn’t have biological siblings. Moniece also shared that her biological father doesn’t want to keep any bond with her. After her separation,  Moniece’s mother Marla remarried another man, Dave  Thomas. He is the stepfather of Moniece. She shares a close bond of love with her step-father and vice-versa. He did everything for her that he was able to do. Moniece is raised by her stepfather Dave Thomas.

Moniece has multiple half-siblings.  The name of Moniece’s maternal half-brother is DJ Thomas. The name of Moniece’s maternal’s half-sister is Drew Thomas. The name of Moniece’s paternal half-brother is Kyle Slaughter. The name of Moniece’s paternal sister is Lauryn. They are all younger than Moniece. She has a close bond with her multiple half-siblings.  Moniece believes in Christianity.


Moniece Slaughter Career- Actress and Singer

Moniece Slaughter is a popular American actress, singer, singer, songwriter, social media star, as well as a social media influencer by profession. She is well-known for her amazing acting and singing. As a popular American actress, Moniece has appeared in a few television series. And  Moniece got her fame after appearing in the television series named  Love & Hip Hop. Moreover, Moniece is also recognized for her songs. As a singer, Moniece has released a lot of songs.  With her hard work,  Moniece has gained huge fame and success in her life.

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Moniece Slaughter: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Parents, Husband 3Moniece Slaughter

Moniece Slaughter Net Worth, Income Sources, and Lifestyle

The main source of income for Moniece are movies, television series,  music albums, songwriting, commercials,  promotions campaigns, and brand ads.  Moniece earns a good amount of income from her various sources.  According to the sources, the estimated net worth of Moniece is between $2 million to $3 million USD. She is affluent.  Moniece has a luxurious lifestyle. She leads a lavish and gleeful life. Moreover, Moniece has her own branded car. Not only this but Moniece has also expensive clothes, jewelry, gadgets, and other accessories.


Moniece Slaughter’s Relationships, and Children

Firstly, Moniece was in a loving relationship with her boyfriend, Lil Fizz. He is a popular American singer, songwriter, as well as a rapper by profession. From their relationship, Moniece and Lil shared a son together named Kamron David Frederic. He was born on the 8th of January 2010.  But Moniece and Lil broke up.  After Lil, Moniece also dated Rich Dollaz, Booby Gibson, Ray J, and Scrap DeLeon.Moniece Slaughter: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Parents, Husband 4Moniece Slaughter with her son

The details of Moniece’s current relationship and boyfriend are not available on the internet. Moniece has successfully kept the details of her love life and current partner confidential at the moment. Moniece revealed the news of her pregnancy following which she came into the spotlight in January 2022. She is pregnant and is expecting her second child. But she didn’t reveal the name of her unborn’s child father.


Here is the full bio of Moniece Slaughter, her family, mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, children, school, education,  hometown, profession, nationality, body measurements, age, height, weight, eye colour, hair colour, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, cast, birthday, birthplace, hobbies, address,  zodiac sign, date of birth,  religion, net worth.

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Moniece Slaughter  Bio, Height, Weight, Profile, Net Worth

NameMoniece Slaughter
ProfessionActress, Singer, Songwriter, Social Media Star and Social Media Influencer
Height (approx.)in centimeters– 167 cm

in meters-1.67 m

in feet inches-‘‘5’6

Weight (approx.)in kilograms– 54 kg

in pounds– 119 Ibs

Figure Measurements (approx.)33-26-35
Eye ColourBrown
Hair ColourBlack
Date of Birth4 March 1987
Age (as in 2021)34 Years
Birth PlaceLos Angeles, California, The United States of America
Zodiac sign/Sun signPisces
HometownNot Known
SchoolEl Camino Real High School
College/UniversityNot Known
Educational QualificationGraduate
CasteNot Known
AddressNot Known
Hobbies/InterestsNot Known
Marital StatusUnmarried
Affairs/Boyfriends/GirlfriendsNot Known
SexualityNot Known
ParentsFather: Michael Slaughter

Stepfather: Dave Thomas

Mother: Marla Thomas

Half-SiblingsHalf-Brother: DJ Thomas, Kayle Slaughter

Half-Sister: Drew Thomas, Lauryn Slaughter

ChildrenKamron David Frederic
Net Worth$2 Million-$3 Million

Moniece Slaughter: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Career, Parents, Husband 5Moniece Slaughter

Social Media Accounts:





Some Lesser Known Facts About Moniece Slaughter

  • Moniece Slaughter has her self-titled YouTube channel.
  • Moniece has ab IMDb profile.
  • Moniece prefers to spend time with her son and also assists him in his studies.
  • Moniece has gathered 1.6 million followers on her Instagram account as of January 2022.
  • Moniece enjoys celebrating Christmas.
  • Moniece has tattoos on her legs, arms, and neck.
  • Moniece is an American celebrity.

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Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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