
Muskkaan Jaferi- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2023

Muskkaan Jaferi- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Muskkaan Jaferi- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career. Please like and share if You are interested!

Muskkaan Jaferi is a Mumbai-born Indian actress, model, voice-over artist, singer, social media star, TV celebrity, media face, and online personality. The actress is best known as the daughter of late actor and comedian Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed Jaffrey nicknamed Jagdeep, who has acted in over 400 Indian films. The model rose to prominence after appearing in the popular Netflix series The Fame Game, in which she portrayed famed actress Madhuri Dixit’s daughter Amara.

Quick Facts

Full Real Birth NameMuskkaan Jaferi.
Date of BirthSeptember 1994.
Age (as of 2023)28 years old.
Place of BirthMumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Current ResidenceMumbai, Maharashtra, India.
ProfessionActress, Model, Voice Over Artist, Singer, Social Media Star, TV Celebrity, Media Face, and Internet Personality.
CasteShia Muslim.
Zodiac SignVirgo.
Net worth50 Lakh-1 Crore INR (approx).

Muskkaan Jaferi’s Age & Early Life

Muskkaan Jaferi was born in Bombay, Maharashtra, India, in September 1994. She comes from a famous Indian family. According to accounts, the gifted actress is the adoring daughter of Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed Jaffrey nicknamed Jagdeep (father) and Nazima Jaferi (mother). According to our sources, the stunning actress was born under the Zodiac sign of Virgo and was raised Muslim.

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Let me inform you that Muskkaan Jaferi has a degree in acting and singing. The well-known figure finished her primary education at a well-maintained regional high school near her home. Her parents were later enrolled at the local university in Mumbai to complete her bachelor’s degree.

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Muskkaan Jaferi Height & Weight

Muskkaan has a height of 5 feet and 4 inches (162 cm) and a body weight of roughly 50 kg (110 pounds). Aside from that, the model has stunning black eyes and black hair, which adds another dimension of attractiveness to her personality. Muskkaan is a fitness fanatic who works out every day to be fit and healthy.

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Muskkaan Jaferi- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 1Muskkaan Jaferi- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Career 2

Muskkaan Jaferi’s Net Worth

How much is Muskkaan Jaferi’s net worth? Muskkaan lives in a luxurious flat in Mumbai with her parents and brothers. The actress has a large collection of designer clothing, watches, shoes, and other accessories. According to estimates, Muskkaan Jaferi’s net worth is estimated to be between 50 lakhs and one crore INR as of 2023.


Muskkaan is a very talented actress, singer, and voice-over artist. According to her IMDb website, the model began her acting career with the short film Medium, in which she portrayed the part of Naisha. She has since appeared in a number of films and television shows. The actress rose to prominence after portraying Madhuri Dixit’s daughter Amara in the popular Netflix series The Fame Game, which was released in 2022. She is also the daughter of the late actor and comedian Jagdeep (who died in 2020) and the sister of Indian actor Jaaved Jaffrey. Muskkaan has also worked as a voice-over artist and dubbing artist in films such as Bheeshma, Jersey, Maari 2, Remo, Shivalinga, Theri, and many more.

Muskkaan Jaferi Boyfriend & Dating

Who is Muskkaan Jaferi’s dating? Muskkaan Jaferi is a quiet person who keeps her personal life out of the spotlight. Let me tell you that no information about her partner or affairs is accessible on the Internet. Muskkaan has also not revealed anything about her previous partnerships. So we may conclude that Muskkaan is presently single and not in a relationship.

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Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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