Shockwaves are blowing from Delhi’s Najafgarh area, where the recent fatal accident took place. According to reports, a major road accident occurred in Najafgarh. Meanwhile, heart-stopping images are being recorded from the accident scene. Talking about the news of the accident in Najafgarh today, an overpass collapsed on many vehicles, killing many people and seriously injuring many. Ever since the news of the Najafgarh accident appeared or broke out, it is trending all over social media. But it has not yet been reported by any major news agency. So, we decided to publish an article to inform people about the news of the accident in Najafgarh today. You are requested to follow this page and must go through the following sections. Scroll down the page and get more details about the problem.
Najafgarh accident news today
Source-based reports suggest that the accident took place near Najafgarh Sai Baba Mandir, where a flyover fell on vehicles plying under the flyover. It was shocking to hear such news. Meanwhile, questions about the authorities’ errors are being targeted by people. Who is responsible for this enormous and unbearable loss? How many people died in the Najafgarh accident? Several questions are reigning in people’s minds after this tragedy. Skip to the next section for more details.
Talking about casualties in the overpass accident, it is still unclear how many people died and how many were injured. The official report on the Najafgarh accident from the Delhi government is yet to come out. The exact death toll will only be confirmed after the official report is released by the respective authorities. We have placed our interested sources in gathering further details and updates on the accident. Scroll down the page and read more details.
Many people are asking about the circumstances surrounding the accident, but it is still unclear how the overpass collapsed. Furthermore, it is still necessary to discuss who is the contractor or builder of the flyover. An investigation may have been initiated into the matter. Officials are looking into the matter. Possible outcomes are expected soon. We are waiting for an official statement from the government and relevant agencies regarding the same. More details will be added once the respective department releases a statement. Stay tuned to this website for more details and updates.
Categories: Trending
Source: Tekmonk Bio
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