
Netflix launches first games in beta playable on TVs, PC and Mobile 2023

Netflix launches first games in beta playable on TVs, PC and Mobile 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Netflix launches first games in beta playable on TVs, PC and Mobile. Please like and share if You are interested!

Netflix has released two games: Oxenfree and Molehew’s Mining Adventure, which are available to play for selected users in the UK and Canada for TV, PC, and Mobile.

Since 2021, Netflix has been working hard behind the scenes on its own gaming service and Netflix Games studio in order to release its own games directly to its streaming platform.

Netflix finally kicked off its first big testing phase for its cloud-streamed games by officially announcing that games would be rolled out to selected subscribers in Canada and the UK on August 15. 

The two games are said to be accessible by TVs, as well as PCs, Macs, and mobile devices.

This has followed the launch of the Netflix Game Controller app which was released on August 8, as the multi-billion dollar company has looked to ramp up its development into gaming.

The “limited beta test” for the games is only for a small number of users, after Netflix revealed that not everybody in the selected countries will have access to them. 

Although it has been announced as a “small test”, it has widely been recognized as a landmark move for the streaming giant as it looks to recreate its streaming dominance in the video games sector.

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What are the two Netflix games? And how can you play?

The testing phase supports two new games: Oxenfree and Molehew’s Mining Adventure.

How to play

Subscribers can either access the games via their TV using their mobiles as the controller by the use of the Netflix Game Controller app. Members on PCs and Macs can alternatively play on with the use of a keyboard and mouse.

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Supported TV partners for Netflix Games:

  • Amazon Fire TV
  • Chromecast with Google TV
  • LG TVs
  • Nvidia Shield TV
  • Roku devices and TVs
  • Samsung Smart TVs
  • Additional partners will be added on an ongoing basis


Oxenfree was created by Night School Studio, a Netflix Games studio release, that was first released in 2022 exclusively to mobile devices. The game went on to receive strong critical acclaim.

The game has been described as a horror adventure game that focuses on what starts as a fun night of partying for a group of teens that soon takes a supernatural turn. The narrative thriller allows players to choose their own choices as they navigate through the game.

Molehew’s Mining Adventure

This game has been first released within the test, therefore the game’s storyline, features and gameplay is unknown other than Netflix’s description of it being a “gem-mining arcade game.”

Hopefully, you are one of the lucky ones who are able to get your hands on the games.

However, Netflix’s first introduction into games didn’t go too well as less than 1% of Netlifx subscribers engaged in the video game section.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

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