
New Prime Hydration ‘Glowberry’ flavor leaked with glow-in-the-dark bottle 2023

New Prime Hydration ‘Glowberry’ flavor leaked with glow-in-the-dark bottle 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about New Prime Hydration ‘Glowberry’ flavor leaked with glow-in-the-dark bottle. Please like and share if You are interested!

Prime Hydration’s newest flavor ‘Glowberry’ has been leaked ahead of its expected October release, and will even have a glow-in-the-dark bottle.

It’s more than fair to say Prime Hydration has already reached some incredible heights — flying off the shelves at an absurdly rapid pace since its release in early 2022.

While originally launching with just five core flavors, there’s since been a ton of additions — including Meta Moon, Strawberry Watermelon, Lemonade, and the UK-exclusive KSI Orange and Mango flavor.

Now, after being teased by Logan Paul months ago, the brand’s newest flavor ‘Glowberry’ has been leaked.

Prime ‘Glowberry’ flavor leaked ahead of release

While touring Europe in late June, Logan Paul was asked by a fan what the next Prime flavor would be. Remaining rather tight-lipped on the details, Logan revealed that the next flavor would be called “Glowberry” — and will have a sour green apple taste.

The YouTube star further added that Glowberry would be slated for an October release. However, an early listing for the flavor from U.S retailer Sam’s Club, which has since been removed from the site, has already given fans an insight as to what to expect.

First spotted by the fan-made stock tracking app Prime Tracker, the Glowberry bottle has a spooky, ghoulie, black and green look — and will even glow in the dark when “charged” in the sun.

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Since its initial launch, Prime has even expanded beyond just hydration, releasing energy-focused beverages too. And, although being met with concerns and controversy due to ‘excessive’ caffeine levels, the energy drinks have been a major success too.

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While many of the hydration flavors have also been turned into caffeinated beverages, it’s unclear if we’ll see Glowberry energy drink.

For more news and updates on Logan Paul, check out the clash between him and Dillon Danis ahead of their much-anticipated boxing match.

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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