
Nyesha Arrington: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Parents, Husband 2023

Nyesha Arrington: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Parents, Husband 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Nyesha Arrington: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Parents, Husband. Please like and share if You are interested!

Nyesha Arrington: Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Parents, Husband, Net Worth: Nyesha Arrington is a popular American chef. She was born on the 18th of October 1981 in Southern, California, The United States of America. Nyesha has had an affinity with the kitchen.  She initiated cooking with her Korean grandmother Aisoon at the age of 5.  Nyeshe is well-known for her cooking.  Moreover,  Nyesha is also recognized for her cooking.   While reading this post, you will know about Nyesha Arrington the hard work she has done to gain recognition and success in her life.  We have covered everything about Nyesha Arrington for our beloved readers in this post. So Scroll down to read this post!

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Nyesha Arrington’s Life and Education

She was born on the 18th of October 1981. The birthplace of Nyesha is Southern, California, The United States of America. Nyesha belongs to the American nationality. The current age of the popular American chef Nyesha is 40 years and 3 months old as of January 2022. And the zodiac sign of Nyesha is Libra as per her date of birth. The popular American chef Nyesha celebrates her birthday with her family on the 18th of October each year.

Nyesha Arrington: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Parents, Husband 2Nyesha Arrington

Regarding Nyesha’s physical appearance, Nyesha is 5 feet and 6 inches tall by height. The weight of Nyesha’s body is around 55 kg. Nyesha has black color eyes as well as black color hair. Nyesha is talented, passionate, and diligent. She has a decent personality. Nyesha Arrington is a popular American chef by profession. According to the sources, Nyesha attended elementary school. After that, Nyesha attended Lancaster High School from 1996 to 2000.  Then Nyesha enrolled herself at The Art Institute of California, Los Angeles. Nyesha graduated with an associate of science and culinary arts from The Art Institute of California.

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Nyesha Arrington Family, Parents, and Sibling

Nyesha belongs to a Christian family. The name of Nyesha’s father is John Edward Arrington. The name of Nyesha’s mother is Sophia Yvonne Arrington.  Regarding Nyesha’s siblings, she has a sister in the family. The name of Nyesha’s sister is Janet Lee Arrington. Let us tell that Nyesha’s grandfather was also a professional cook. And Nyesha’s grandmother was fond of cooking. Nyesha had a memorable childhood with her grandmother Aisoon. Nyesha had shared a lot of memories with her grandmother. She used to love and take care of Nyesha. Firstly, Nyesha learned cooking from her grandmother when she was a little girl. Nyesha believes in Christianity.

Nyesha Arrington Career- Chef

Nyesha initiated cooking with her grandmother at the age of 5. She has had an affinity with the kitchen since her childhood. Her love for cooking led her to pursue a cooking career.  She has worked hard for the sake of her cooking career since her childhood.  With hard work and dedication, Nyesha Arrington became a popular American chef. At present, Nyeshe is recognized for her cooking. During her cooking career, Nyesha has worked in several restaurants. Nyesha received mentorship from a chef named Josiah Citrin in Santa Monica.


Nyesha has been trained by chef Josiah Citrin in the kitchen. And Nyesha worked as a saucier under chef Josiah Citrin at Melisse Restaurant. Firstly, Nyesha worked as a lead grill cook at Charlie’s Sreakhouse from May 2002 to November 2003. She also worked as a sous chef at Lemon Moon from October 2002 to September 2004. After that, Nyeshe joined  Melisse Restaurant in January 2004.

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Nyesha Arrington: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Parents, Husband 3Nyesha Arrington

Nyesha worked as a sous chef at Melisse Restaurant from January 2004 to June 2006. Later Nyesha joined the Mansion. Nyesha worked as a chef de partie at the Mansion from April 2007 to June 2009. After that, she joined Cache Restaurant in July 2009. Nyesha worked as a chef de cuisine at Cache Restaurant from July 2009 to August 2010. Later Nyesha joined Wilshire Restaurant in March 2011.


Nyesha worked as an executive chef at Wilshire Restaurant from March 2011 to June 2013. She also received the title of a rising star by Brad Johnson while working at Wilshire Restaurant. After working in several restaurants, Nyesha inaugurated her own two restaurants. Nyesha initiated her first restaurant named Native in August 2017. She is an executive chef and partner of Native. Nyeshe initiated her second restaurant named Arrington LLC in October 2018. She is the president of Arrington LLC. Nyesha runs her two restaurants.

Nyesha Arrington Net Worth

The main source of income for Nyesha Arrington is her successful cooking career. Nyesha is the owner of her restaurant.  She earns a good amount of income from her successful cooking career. According to the sources, the estimated net worth of Nyesha is $2 million USD.


Nyesha Arrington’s Personal Life and Husband

Regarding Nyesha’s personal life, she has not married so far. That’s why Nyesha doesn’t have a husband. Nyesha is mysterious. Nyesha has never revealed any information regarding her personal life and being in a relationship. Nyesha has kept her personal life confidential.

Nyesha Arrington: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Parents, Husband 4Nyesha Arrington

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Here is the full bio of Nyesha Arrington, her family, mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, children, school, education,  hometown, profession, nationality, body measurements, age, height, weight, eye colour, hair colour, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, cast, birthday, birthplace, hobbies, address,  zodiac sign, date of birth,  religion, net worth.


Nyesha Arrington Bio, Height, Weight, Profile, Net Worth

NameNyesha Arrington
NicknameNot Known
Height (approx.)in centimeters– 170 cm

in meters-1.70 m

in feet inches-‘‘5’6

Weight (approx.)in kilograms– 55 kg

in pounds– 114 Ibs

Figure Measurements (approx.)Not Known
Eye ColourBlack
Hair ColourBlack
Date of Birth18 October 1981
Age (as in 2022)40 Years
Birth PlaceSouthern, California, The United States of America
Zodiac sign/Sun signLibra
HometownNot Known
SchoolLancaster High School
College/UniversityThe Art Institute of California
Educational QualificationGraduate
CasteNot Known
AddressNot Known
Hobbies/InterestsNot Known
Marital StatusUnmarried
Affairs/Boyfriends/GirlfriendsNot Known
SexualityNot Known
ParentsFather: John Edward Arrington

Mother: Sophia Yvonne Arrington

SiblingsBrother: Not Known

Sister: Janet Lee Arrington

Net Worth$2 Million

Nyesha Arrington: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Parents, Husband 5Nyesha Arrington

Social Media Accounts:




Some Lesser Known Facts About Nyesha Arrington

  • Nyesha Arrington is yet to feature on the official page of Wikipedia.
  • Nyesha is an American celebrity.
  • Nyesha has a captivating smile.
  • Nyesha has an IMDb profile.
  • Nyesha leads a delightful and cozy life with her family.
  • Nyesha has verified social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook.

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Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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