
Olga Korotyayeva (Sean Penn Girlfriend) Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family & More 2023

Olga Korotyayeva (Sean Penn Girlfriend) Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family & More 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Olga Korotyayeva (Sean Penn Girlfriend) Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family & More. Please like and share if You are interested!

Olga Korotyayeva is a famous Ukrainian actress and model. Olga Korotyayeva is famous as the girlfriend of Sean Penn (a famous American actor and film director). Her boyfriend has won many Awards for his famous roles in Mystic River and the Biopic Milk.

Olga Korotyayeva (Sean Penn Girlfriend) Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family & More 1Olga Korotyayeva (Sean Penn Girlfriend) Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family & More 2

She is also an actress and appeared in the Blast movie directed by Vanya Peirani-Vignes. Check all the details below about Olga Korotyayeva’s (Sean Penn’s Girlfriend) Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family, Net Worth & More.

Olga Korotyayeva Wiki/Bio

Olga Korotyayeva was born in 1980 (Age: 43 years; As of 2023) in Ukraine. Her nickname is Olga. Her nationality is Ukrainian and her ethnicity is Ukrainian. Her zodiac sign is Aries and follows Christianity (religion). Her profession is an actress and model.

Olga Korotyayeva Educational Qualification

She completed her schooling at the local school in her hometown. After completing schooling, she attended a renowned university and completed her further studies. She is a well-educated actress.

Olga Korotyayeva Height & Weight

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Olga Korotyayeva height and weight

  • Height: 5′ 6″ inches
  • Weight: 56 kg
  • Eye Colour: Brown
  • Hair Colour: Blonde

Olga Korotyayeva Family & Parents

Olga was born into a middle-class well-settled family to American parents. She is the loving daughter of her parents. She doesn’t disclose any information about her family, parents, relatives, and siblings. She grew up with her siblings and cousins. She keeps all the information private from the media reach. Olga never shared photos with her family members.

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Olga Korotyayeva Boyfriend & Relationships

She is a beautiful actress and a talented model. Her relationship status is committed and her marital status is unmarried. She is in a romantic relationship with her boyfriend Sean Penn (a famous American actor and director). Her boyfriend is famous for his acting in Mystic River and the Biopic Milk. Both started dating in 2023.

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Olga Korotyayeva with Sean Penn in Malibu

In May 2023, they were seen together during the Memorial Day weekend in Malibu, California on a date night in a Japanese restaurant.

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Olga Korotyayeva kissed her boyfriend Sean Penn

Her boyfriend took a divorce from his wife Leila George in 2021.

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Sean Penn with her ex-wife Leila George

Olga’s boyfriend has three wives in the past names are Madonna, Robin Wright, and Leila George. Her boyfriend has also two kids from his ex-wives. On 8th June 2023, they were spotted getting handsy during their romantic Italian gateway.

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Olga Korotyayeva’s boyfriend kissed her in Italy

On Sunday 9th July 2023, they were seen kissing together outside of Senequier in Saint-Tropez in France.

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Olga Korotyayeva with her boyfriend Sean Penn on a vacation

On 24th July 2023, they were seen together in Times Square in New York City holding hands for a romantic stroll.

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Olga Korotyayeva with Sean Penn holding hands on a romantic walk

On 9th August 2023, they were spotted together and enjoying a night out together.

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Olga on a dinner date with her boyfriend Sean Penn

Olga Korotyayeva Career & Profession

She started her career as a model and actress. She debut her acting career with a television series “L’affaire Seznec: c’est vous qui allez le juger”.

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Olga worked in Theatre series Laffaire Seznec cest vous qui allez le juger

After this, she appeared in many movies and television series including Rasputin (2011), La vérité si je mens! 3 (2012), Le bonheur (2013), Ascension (2015), Agafia (2015). After this, she also appeared in episodes of television series like Myster Mocky presente, Banking District.

Olga Korotyayeva (Sean Penn Girlfriend) Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family & More 21Olga Korotyayeva (Sean Penn Girlfriend) Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family & More 22

Olga in Ascension movie

Olga appears in the Blast movie in 2021. All of her movies and television movie are in the French language. Apart from this, Olga is also a beautiful model. She has also appeared in many modeling photoshoots.

Olga Korotyayeva Net Worth & Income

Olga Korotyayeva’s net worth is estimated at approx. $1 million dollars. She is a famous Ukrainian actress and model. She earns a good income from her acting and modeling profession. She also earns extra income from commercials, sponsorships, brand endorsements, etc. She lives joyfully with her boyfriend Sean Penn.

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Olga in her luxury car

Olga Korotyayeva Social Handles

Olga Korotyayeva Amazing Facts

  • She is a Ukrainian actress.
  • Her acting career indicates her familiarity with the French language.
  • Olga was first spotted with her boyfriend Sean Penn during a Memorial Day weekend in Malibu, California.
  • She keeps her Instagram account private.
  • She never shares her private information with media sources.
  • In the movie Blast, she played the role of a skilled female bomb disposal expert.

Olga Korotyayeva (Sean Penn Girlfriend) Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family & More 25Olga Korotyayeva (Sean Penn Girlfriend) Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Family & More 26

Olga in Blast movie

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Categories: Trending
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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