
Omoye Assata Lynn- All About The Daughter Of Lonnie Rashid

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Omoye Assata Lynn is best known as the daughter of American rapper Lonnie Rashid, better known as Common. She was born in the United States in 1997. She just graduated from the Howard University Law School in May 2022. When we look at her Instagram, we can see that she spends most of her time at the beach or in a swimming pool, indicating that she enjoys swimming.

Quick Facts

Full NameOmoye Assata Lynn
First NameOmoye
Middle NameAssata
Last NameLynn
Birth NameOmoye Assata Lynn
ProfessionCelebrity Child
Birth CountryUnited States
Father NameCommon
Father ProfessionSinger, Actor
Mother NameKim Jones
Gender IdentityFemale
Sexual OrientationStraight
Marital StatusSingle
Date of Birth1997


Omoye was born to Common and Kim Jones, her father. Her parents were not married since she was born and they were still dating in the late 1990s. The couple divorced in 1978, a year after the birth of their daughter. Kim and Common’s only daughter, Omoye, was born. Despite her father’s several past relationships, he never had a kid.

Lonnie Rashid Lynn was born on March 13, 1972, at Chicago Osteopathic Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, to his father, Lonnie Lynn, and mother, Mahalia Ann Hines. His father was a professional basketball player as well as a teacher. Rashid is a professional rapper, activist, and actor. He sings in the hip-hop, neo-soul, and progressive rap genres. He recently appeared as an actor in the drama “Between Riverside and Crazy.”

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Her father had a relationship with Erykah Badu.

Common was also in a relationship with Erykah Badu, an American singer and songwriter. They were together from 2000 till 2002. They even collaborated on “Jimi Was a Rock Star” and “Love of My Life.” He is now dating American singer Jennifer Hudson. Both will appear in the forthcoming film Breathe.

The record “Black America Again” by her father was all about humanity.

Common told CBS Mornings that love is vital for black people and that black humanity is crucial. His album “Black America Again” wasn’t only about black people, but also about the black experience, attempting to communicate humanity through parenthood and love, as well as the challenges that black people have faced. The artist said that there is so much going on in the world that we really need to connect to one another as humans, therefore the record was truly about displaying humanity.

When asked in an interview what his message to those listening to his record was, Common said that he doesn’t produce art for one hue or one nationality. The rapper said that he creates it for everyone and that his message is about spirituality. He said that more than any other individual, we must be in touch with ourselves. That’s the message in that music arm, he says, about loving one another and respecting women.

Her father’s diet

Her father claims that eating well helps him think more clearly. He claims to have greater energy, which he believes would improve him in his rapping. He claims that when he eats properly, he notices a change in the clarity of his speech and ideas.

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Net Worth

Omoye’s net worth is being investigated. Instead, her father, Lonnie, is worth $4 million as of July 2023. His income comes from his work as a writer, voice actor, model, and poet.

Categories: Entertaintment

Links: Omoye Assata Lynn- All About The Daughter Of Lonnie Rashid – Tekmonk Bio, Omoye Assata Lynn- All About The Daughter Of Lonnie Rashid – Kungfutv, Omoye Assata Lynn- All About The Daughter Of Lonnie Rashid – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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