
OnlyFans model gives away spicy content to raise money for Maui wildfire victims 2023

OnlyFans model gives away spicy content to raise money for Maui wildfire victims 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about OnlyFans model gives away spicy content to raise money for Maui wildfire victims. Please like and share if You are interested!

An OnlyFans model is raising money to help victims of the Maui wildfires in Hawaii by giving donors some spicy content in return.

The devastating Maui fires have killed at least 99 people with many losing their homes in the process. Amid the destruction, an OnlyFans model is stepping up to assist those in need.

Lavaxgrll, a 22-year-old OnlyFans model has decided to give away free content on the condition that her viewers donate $10 to her fundraiser.

While Lava says people posting selfies “aren’t going to cut it” when it comes to saving Maui, that’s exactly what she’s providing in exchange for a donation.

OnlyFans model raises money for Maui with spicy photos

In a video on Instagram, Lava explained that 100% of the proceeds will be going to people in need and she won’t be taking any of the funds.

“I’m just being the influencer, so to say, to try to get everybody on the same page to help and do what they can in this time of need,” she said. “Maui is sacred, beautiful place and there are some horrible things going on right now. They really need our help.”

Lava further added that officials “aren’t doing too much to help” and felt like it was her responsibility to do what she can to assist.

US President Joe Biden had offered victims of the fires $700 in compensation, an amount labeled “insulting” by Financial commentator Mark Wlosinski.

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So far, quite a few people have taken Lavaxgrll up on her offer. At the time of writing, 345 people have donated a total of $6,443 USD.

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This isn’t the first time an OnlyFans model has promised content to help a noble cause. Earlier this year, former teacher Courtney Tillia gave viewers exclusive photos if they donated to save animals.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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