In this Article, We will know about Pat Smear- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!
Georg Albert Ruthenberg, better known by his stage name ‘Pat Smear,’ is a singer who has found success in a variety of musical genres. He is best known for his work with the rock band ‘Foo Fighters,’ but his career encompasses much more.
Quick Facts
Celebrated Name: | Pat Smear |
Real Name/Full Name: | Georg Albert Ruthenberg |
Gender: | Male |
Age: | 63 years old |
Birth Date: | 5 August 1959 |
Birth Place: | West Los Angeles, California, United States |
Nationality: | American |
Height: | 1.84 m |
Weight: | 84 kg |
Sexual Orientation: | Straight |
Marital Status: | Single |
Wife/Spouse (Name): | No |
Children: | Yes (1 child) |
Profession: | American musician and actor |
Net Worth in 2023: | $30 million |
Pat Smear Biography
Pat Smear was born George Albert Ruthenberg on August 5, 1949, in West Los Angeles. His father was a German immigrant to the United States. His mother was of African-American descent. His parents wanted him to learn piano, but he preferred guitar, so he taught himself. Pat, unlike other children, had a difficult childhood. He was always drawn to spirituality and religion as a child. He even left his home when he was 13 to join Jesus’ commune.
But that was only for the time being. In terms of his early education, he attended the ‘Innovative Program School’ at University High School in Los Angeles. Darby Crash, his future bandmate, met him here. They both had the same dream and worked together to make it a reality. They were both expelled from IPS for their disruptive behavior.
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Pat Smear Age, Height, Weight
Pat Smear was born on August 5, 1959, and is 63 years old as of 2023. His height is 1.84 meters and his weight is 84 kilograms.

Pat Smear
Pat Smear had learned to play the guitar as a child, which greatly aided him in shaping his career. Despite being expelled from school, he discovered the most important thing in his life in that same school, and that is his schoolmate Darby Crash. When they were just teenagers, the duo formed the band ‘Germs’ shortly after being expelled from school. They collaborated with Lorna Doom on bass and Dottie Danger on drums.
Only Pat had any professional knowledge of music at the time, and the rest of the members were just armatures. The group impressed people with its first performances, but before it could gain more popularity, it disbanded after only a year. Pat lost an important jewel in his life the same year Crash committed suicide. However, his popularity as a member of the band ‘Germs’ allowed him to be successful as a solo artist.
He worked solo for the next decade and a half, releasing two albums, ‘Ruthensmear’ and ‘So You Fell in Love with a Musician.’ During this time, he had brief stints with two other bands. He formed the ‘Foo Fighters,’ a rock band, in 1994. However, due to the band’s relentless touring schedule, he left in 1997. Following that, he struggled for the next decade. Finally, in 2005, he re-joined the Foo Fighters and is currently working exclusively with them.
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Pat Smear’s Achievements and Awards
Pat Smear has received a Grammy Award. He won this award in the category of ‘best rock song,’ and the song was ‘Cut me some slack.’ He also received numerous Grammy nominations.
Pat Smear’s Net Worth and Salary in 2023
Pat Smear’s career as a musician was erratic. He left and joined several bands, as well as working as a solo artist for a long time. Nonetheless, he had to work extremely hard to achieve success. In 2005, he rejoined the band Foo Fighters,’ which boosted his career. A boost in his career means an increase in his net worth. He has been with this band for over ten years and has amassed an impressive net worth. As of August 2023, the great musician has a net worth of $30 million. His net worth is entirely derived from his music career.
Pat Smear spent nearly nine years in nearly nine different music bands, ranging from punk rock to hardcore, deathrock to post-grunge. He is a truly versatile musician.
Pat Smear Wife, Marriage
There is no information about his romantic life. Pat Smear is a very private individual. Perhaps this is why his personal life has never made headlines. There is no information about whether he is married, single, or in a relationship.
Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography
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