
Patrick Bet-David Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Wife, Facts & More 2023

Patrick Bet-David Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Wife, Facts & More 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Patrick Bet-David Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Wife, Facts & More. Please like and share if You are interested!

Patrick Bet-David is a well-known Iranian-American business advisor, manager, and ex-military veteran. Patrick Bed David is famous for his radio show broadcast and trains future entrepreneurs via social media handles. In 2009, he started his website named Saved America. He has grown a motivation for the new entrepreneurs. He is also the author of so many famous books like Your Next Five Moves, The Life of an Entrepreneur, Drop Out, and Get Schooled, etc. Check all the details below about Patrick Bet-David Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Facts & More.

Patrick Bet-David Wiki/Bio

Patrick Bet-David was born on 18th October 1978 (Age: 45 years; As of 2023) in Iran. His nationality is Iranian-American and follows Christianity (religion). His ethnicity is mixed and his zodiac sign is Libra.

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His profession is business advisor and manager. His current residence is in Los Angeles, California, United States. His sexuality is straight.

Patrick Bet-David Educational Qualification

He completed his schooling at the local school in his hometown. After completing high school, he attended a renowned university and completed his further studies. He is a well-educated man.

Patrick Bet-David Height & Weight

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Patrick Bet-David height and weight

  • Height: 6′ 1″ inches
  • Weight: 80 kg (approx.)
  • Eye Colour: Black
  • Hair Colour: Black

Patrick Bet-David Family & Parents

Patrick was born into a middle-class well-settled family to Iranian parents. She is the loving son of his parents. He doesn’t disclose any information about his parents, siblings, and relatives.

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According to the sources, his parents are of different descent, his father is of Assyrian descent and his mother is of Armenian descent. Patrick shared some photos with his family members on his social media handles.

Patrick Bet-David Wife & Children

He is a smart financial advisor. His relationship status is committed and his marital status is married. Patrick Bet-David got married to his wife Jennifer Bet-David in 20009.

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Patrick Bet-David with his wife Jennifer Bet-David

His wife is well-educated and the Executive Vice President at PHP Agency.

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Patrick Bet-David with his wife and kids

Patrick is the father of four children names Tico (son), Senna (daughter), Brooklyn (daughter), and Dylan (son). According to the sources, his eldest son Patrick Tico is currently seven years old.

Patrick Bet-David Career & Profession

He started his career after completing his high school and joined the American Army. Patrick worked in the 101st Airborne as a member of the US Army. After Patrick left the US Army, he served at Morgan Stanley. After this, he started a website named Save America in 2009.

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Patrick Bet-David in US Army

Also, Patrick started a radio show broadcast in Los Angeles, California, United States. Patrick also founded PHP Agency in 2009 (a commercial marketing organization that provides insurance goods). His company headquarter is located in Dallas, Texas, United States. Also, he started a company named Valuetainment Media LLC (a company that produces Valuetainment on Youtube and other outlets).

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Patrick Bet-David in his PHP Agency as a founder

Also, Patrick talked with so many famous personalities on the podcast like Kobe Bryant, Wayne Gretzky, John Capilari, etc. He also started his podcast series named The Bet-David Show for publishing inspiring videos on his Youtube channel. On his Youtube channel podcast, he discusses about international events, world politics, finance, business, sports, entertainment, and current affairs.

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Patrick Bet-David Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Wife, Facts & More 13Patrick Bet-David Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Wife, Facts & More 14

Patrick Bet-David hosts his Youtube Podcast

His Youtube channel has millions of views and subscribers. He has also the author of many famous books included Your Next Five Moves, The Life of an Entrepreneur, Drop Out, and Get Schooled, etc.

Patrick Bet-David Net Worth & Income

Patrick Bet-David’s net worth is estimated at approx. $150 million dollars. He is a famous Iranian-American business advisor, manager, and ex-military veteran. He earns a good income from his businesses, bookselling, podcaster, and financial advising. At present, Patrick owns a business with a turnover of $100 million dollars. He has many luxurious cars and a beautiful mansion. He lives happily with his family in Los Angeles, California, United States.

Patrick Bet-David Social Handles

  • LinkedIn: patrick-bet-david-3731553
  • Twitter: patrickbetdavid
  • Instagram: patrickbetdavid
  • Youtube: PBDPodcast

Patrick Bet-David Amazing Facts

  • He was in the US Army before becoming an entrepreneur.
  • Patrick’s family left Iran when he was only 12 years old and moved to the United States.
  • He earned his first earning from cleaning swimming pools.
  • Patrick identifies himself as an Atheist.
  • He has the nationality of two countries, Iran and the United States.
  • He never revealed his religion and said that I am a follower of God.
  • Once Patrick tweeted Mahatma Gandhi’s quote on the belief that states, “The person who says religion and politics are unattached does not understand religion”.

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Categories: Trending
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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