
Paul Henri Nargeolet- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023

Paul Henri Nargeolet- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Paul Henri Nargeolet- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Paul Henri Nargeolet is a French Explorer. He is most recognized as a Titanic specialist, earning him the moniker “Mr. Titanic.” He and the other Titanic Submersible crew members went missing on June 18, 2023. It was a tourism journey that mainly included the Titanic shipwreck.

Quick Facts

Real NamePaul Henri Nargeolet
NicknamePaul, Mr. Titanic
Age77 [as of 2023]
Date of Birth2 March 1946
BirthplaceChamonix, France
HometownChamonix, France
Zodiac SignPisces
NationalityNot Known
CollegeNot Known
Famous ForCollecting artifacts from the Titanic wreck site

Paul Henri Nargeolet’s Age & Early Life

Paul Henri Nargeolet was born on 2 March 1946, in a French family in Chamonix, France. His zodiac sign is Pisces, and his nickname is Paul or Mr. Titanic. While he finished basic high school, it is thought he did not attend college or university. His ethnicity is French, but his nationality is unknown. Despite being born in France, he spent his youth in Casablanca, Morocco. He eventually relocated to Paris to complete his high school education. However, he has yet to divulge any information about his father, mother, or siblings in the public arena.

Paul Henri Nargeolet Height & Weight

Paul Henri Nargeolet is 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs around 68 kg. Henry has gray hair and brown eyes. His bodily measurements are unknown, however, his shoe size is 9.5 (US).

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Paul Henri Nargeolet- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 1Paul Henri Nargeolet- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Wife, Ethnicity 2

Paul Henri Nargeolet’s Net Worth

How much is Paul Henri Nargeolet’s net worth? Paul Henri Nargeolet’s net worth is estimated to be $1.5 billion as of July 2023. He amassed a large wealth via several sources of income. Nargeolet made the most of his money through his gifts of relics from the Titanic crash site. He was also instrumental in locating the wreck locations of different ships. Furthermore, the firm Premier Exhibitions pays him a lump sum amount of money in the form of a salary based on his employment function and expertise.


Paul Henri Nargeolet began his career in the French Navy in 1964. He was just around 20 years old at the time. Throughout his Navy career, he was most renowned for his expertise in diving, mine clearing, and deep sea intervention. Despite being assigned to a minor function at first, he was elevated to the rank of Commander in the 1970s. He was the head of the Groupment de Plongeurs Demineurs de Cherbourg as part of this post. After a few years, he became a member of the Underwater Intervention Group and operated intervention submarines.

During his twenty-year Navy career, he found a Roman wreck, a DHC-5 Buffalo, and many other things. After being approached about diving into the Titanic disaster, he quit the Navy to join IFREMER. He piloted four dives to the Titanic over the following 10 years, collecting different relics from the disaster site. Nargeolet also found the French ship Lune, which sunk in 1664 near Toulon. He joined Aqua+ as an executive director in January 1996. The firm began with the intention of producing underwater films. He worked on underwater missions for two submarines throughout his seven-year service.

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According to his Linkedin profile, he was self-employed for around three years between 2004 and 2007. He eventually became the Director of the Underwater Research Program aboard Premier Exhibitions’ RMS Titanic. For diverse visitors, the organization regularly arranges traveling exhibits to the Titanic crash site. Over the last 15 years, he has made over 35 dives and discovered over 6,000 items. The Titanic Tourist Submersible went lost in the Atlantic Ocean on June 18, 2023. Paul was among the crew members, as were other well-known tourists such as Hamish Harding, Stockton Rush, Shahzada Dawood, and others.

Paul Henri Nargeolet Wife & Marriage

Who is Paul Henri Nargeolet’s wife? Paul Henri Nargeolet has a wife. He married an American radio journalist called Michele Marsh. She has worked in the journalism industry for almost 25 years. However, she died in October 2017 as a result of breast cancer. She was most recognized for her work at WCBS and WNBC. Though it is unknown whether Paul was previously married, we do know that this was Marsh’s second marriage. Her first husband, Nathaniel Price Paschall, filed for divorce. She even had a kid called John with him.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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