
PewDiePie shares emotional first days with baby Björn in fatherhood vlog 2023

PewDiePie shares emotional first days with baby Björn in fatherhood vlog 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about PewDiePie shares emotional first days with baby Björn in fatherhood vlog. Please like and share if You are interested!

PewDiePie has returned to YouTube with a video sharing his early thoughts and feelings about fatherhood following the birth of his son, Björn.

Felix Kjellberg, popularly known by his YouTube moniker PewDiePie, celebrated the birth of his son Björn alongside his wife Marzia on July 11, 2023.

Before his son was born, the YouTube star informed his audience that he would be stepping back from his channel and content creation for a bit to focus on supporting and spending time with his family.

Now, PewDiePie has returned with his first video on YouTube since his son’s birth, where he detailed the emotional leadup to Björn’s arrival and the weeks following it as a new father.

Instagram: itsmarziapieMarzia and Felix with baby Björn and their two dogs, Momo and Edgar.

PewDiePie details early fatherhood moments in first video back

On August 11, 2023, PewDiePie released a video simply titled, “I’m a dad now.” The first portion of the video details the leadup to his son’s birth, where the YouTuber dropped off Marzia at the hospital as her due date drew near.

After dropping off Marzia, he noted that he was “very nervous” for both himself and his wife, but was confident she “would do super well.”

The day before his son’s birth, PewDiePie admitted that the idea of fatherhood still hadn’t fully set in. “It’s such a strange day because, obviously, we’ve had nine months now leading up to it, but I just can’t imagine that… there’s gonna be a baby. I have no experience to relate that to. It’s all so new.”

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While most of the process the YouTube star documented was fairly normal, he did note there was a bit of concern that Marzia would have to undergo a C-section. Thankfully, Björn’s birth was smooth sailing, which PewDiePie documented in the video.

Following their son’s arrival, the YouTuber filmed Marzia and Björn’s homecoming, along with the reaction of their two dogs to the new member of the family.

Kjellberg even dedicated a portion of the video to completing a Daruma doll he had been holding on to throughout Marzia’s pregnancy. With Björn’s arrival from the hospital, the YouTuber colored in the doll’s remaining eye, which signified his wish for his son’s safe arrival.

Though PewDiePie and Marzia will undoubtedly be focusing on their son for quite some time, their fans were undoubtedly happy to see Björn happy and healthy.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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