
Pokelawls tells xQc their friendship is ruined after falling out on stream 2023

Pokelawls tells xQc their friendship is ruined after falling out on stream 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Pokelawls tells xQc their friendship is ruined after falling out on stream. Please like and share if You are interested!

Twitch Streamer Pokelawls, who used to live with fellow top streamer xQc, has said that they “aren’t real friends now” after a major falling out on stream.

xQc returned to streaming on Kick after a short break, where he began discussing what it was like living in the same house as his fellow streamer and content creator.

From there, the conversation spiralled into his problems with the living situation, which Poke tuned into to watch on stream.

xQc has been at the center of a lot of drama recently, and has stirred up a lot of anger over his handling of react content discourse, where he debated H3H3 on the issue.

Poke says he went to court for xQc

While on stream, Poke reacted to xQc, and the clip where he was given the double middle finger, and revealed that he had gone to court in person for xQc during his fight with Adept.

He said: “Just remember everything I’ve done for you dude. I went in court for you, You have no one there for you. I hate to say this to you, but when this is over look for your real friends, brother.

“I was there for you, and you sh*t on me, you stepped over the line. You just do anything you want because of who you are. I’ll never be a yes man to you, and you know that.

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“And I love you bro, but whatever happened this week, we’re not real friends now. Whatever happened… you f*cked me over. Sorry, man. Sorry. It is what it is, chat.”

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Viewers were quick to note that xQc seemed to be juggling several controversies at once, with one person saying: “Bro jumping from drama to drama, from react drama to poke drama, jesus christ”

For more news and updates on xQc and his streaming career, check out his response to recent backlashes over his react content on YouTube.

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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