
Rahart Adams- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023

Rahart Adams- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Rahart Adams- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity. Please like and share if You are interested!

Rahart Adams is a well-known Australian actor who has been in a number of television programs and films. He rose to prominence after playing Jax Novoa in the Nickelodeon series Every Witch Way and Sam Conte in the Australian teen comedy Nowhere Boys.

Quick Facts

Real NameRahart Adams
Nick NameRahart
Date Of BirthFebruary 01, 1996
Age27 years old
Height5 feet 8 inches
Weight67 kg
Hair ColorBlack
Eye colorDark Brown
Net Worth$2 million

Rahart Adams’s Age & Early Life

Rahart Adams, an Australian actor, was born on February 1, 1996, in Melbourne. His age in 2023 is 27. In terms of nationality, he is Australian and of Caucasian race. His birth sign is Aquarius, according to the astrological chart. When it comes to his parents, he was born to Adam and Victoria Adams. He has three siblings, one elder and two younger, the identities of whom have not yet been revealed. According to his academics, he is now doing his VCE at St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School in Victoria, with a major in Media and Business Studies.

Rahart Adams Height & Weight

The 27-year-old young actor is at the ideal height of 5 feet 8 inches and weighs around 67 kg. In terms of physical appearance, he has a pale complexion, dark brown eyes, and black hair.

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Rahart Adams- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 1Rahart Adams- Net Worth, Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Ethnicity 2

Rahart Adams’s Net Worth

How much is Rahart Adams’s net worth? Rahart’s net worth is believed to be approximately $2 million as of July 2023, according to the source. However, he has not disclosed his salary or earnings to the media.

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Rahart has had a lifelong interest in acting. In 2010, he featured as a cameo on the show Prank Patrol. Following that, in 2013, he made his television debut as a guest in the Australian drama series Neighbors. The next year, he starred as the lead in the action-comedy series Nowhere Boys. He starred as Kent Saydak in the American romantic comedy series Foursome from 2016 to 2018.

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Rahart most recently played Brody March in Gotham Knights, an American superhero television series, in 2023. The series’ first season debuted on March 14, 2023. Olivia Rose Keegan, Navia Robinson, Fallon Smythe, Tyler DiChiara, Anna Lore, Rahart Adams, Misha Collins, and others also feature in the series. Rahart began his cinematic debut as Davis Pell in the comic family flick Liar, Liar, Vampire. He was cast in two films the following year: Nowhere Boys: The Book of Shadows and Emo the Musical. In 2018, he played Cadete Tahima in the American science fiction monster film Pacific Rim Uprising. Moving on, he was cast as Nick in the horror film Star Light by director Mitchell Altieri. Cameron Johnson, Scout Taylor-Compton, Bret Roberts, Rahart Adams, Garrett Weston, and Liana Ramirez round out the series’ cast.

Rahart Adams Girlfriend & Dating

Who is Rahart Adams dating? Rahart Adams has not provided any information about his personal life. He is possibly unmarried, and no information about his wife or girlfriend has been released. His social media posts are loaded with photos of him at various events as well as stuff relating to his business. He dated Sydney Park, an American actress, from 2016 to 2017.

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He made their romance public in November 2016 by posting photos of himself with Rahart on her Instagram account. The photograph was then removed from Sydney’s Instagram account, perhaps indicating their breakup.

Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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