
RHONY’s Bethenny Frankel calls on Bravolebrities to strike against low pay 2023

RHONY’s Bethenny Frankel calls on Bravolebrities to strike against low pay 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about RHONY’s Bethenny Frankel calls on Bravolebrities to strike against low pay. Please like and share if You are interested!

As actors gather to strike against low pay, RHONY’s Bethenny Frankel has called on fellow Bravolebrities and reality TV personalities to do the same.

While actors around the globe continue to strike for higher pay and less use of artificial intelligence in film, reality television stars like RHONY’s Bethenny Frankel are doing just the same.

Not only is Frankel calling upon other BravoTV celebs to strike against the distribution platform, but she has also essentially declared war on executive Andy Cohen for being aware of the network’s purportedly unfair treatment of Bravolebrities.

Though her cry has gone thus far unanswered, Frankel isn’t alone in her march against low pay, as she has already gathered a group of reality personalities to strike against BravoTV.

Instagram: bethennyfrankelRHONY’s Bethenny Frankel and Jill Zarin.

Bethenny Frankel urges reality TV stars to fight for residual pay

After being on RHONY for a total of eight seasons, Frankel has recounted her earnings from being on the popular BravoTV show.

Though she would come to earn a staggering $1 million by the time she left the show for good, Frankel admitted that during her first Season of RHONY, she only made about $7,250.

Now, with the current screen actors strike, where celebrities like Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde have taken action to increase their pay, Frankel has stepped forward to represent reality TV personalities in the same manner.

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Not only has she encouraged celebs to demand higher pay, she has also urged them to fight for residual pay on the shows that they’ve been on that still get air time, saying, “I myself have generated millions and millions of dollars in advertising and online impressions being on reality TV and have never made a single residual.”

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Frankel continued, “So, either I’m missing something or we’re getting screwed, too.” She then called it “complete bullsh*t” for stars on The Bachelor and The Hills to also not have been given residual pay, saying, “It just occurred to me, everyone is talking about actors and we don’t get paid sh*t.”

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Frankel then broke down her earnings, saying, “So through blood, sweat, and tears, I worked my a** off to justify the $7,250 paycheck for multiple episodes in 2008 — episodes that are still being used for monetization in 2023, where two entities are profiting and I am not.”

Since making these statements on Instagram, Frankel has generated steam for her fellow reality TV stars to unionize for the betterment of their salaries. Some of the names she has been in contact with are Chrissy Tegan, JWoww, and personalities from Vanderpump Rules, Summer House, Love Is Blind, and The Bachelor.

Though there hasn’t been a public strike of reality TV stars, Frankel’s intentions are clear. She may have left RHONY for good, but she confidently stands with her fellow reality TV personalities as she awaits the change of pay for everyone in film and television.  

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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