In this Article, We will know about Rob Brydon: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife. Please like and share if You are interested!
Rob Brydon: Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife, Net Worth: Rob Brydon is a popular actor, comedian, impressionist, singer, writer, YouTuber, as well as a presenter. He was born on the 3rd of May 1965 in Baglan, Glamorgan, Wales. Rob is well-known for appearing in the British comedy television series, Supernova, Gavin & Stacey, and BBC comedy series, Marion and The Keith Barret Show. He is presently trending on the internet due to his hair transplant. Rob’s public appearance attracted a lot of attention for having a hair transplant. When Rob was in his 30’s his hair began to fall out. Suddenly, Rob appeared showing his thick hair in public. It was believed that Rob underwent a hair transplant and maybe wearing a wig. To know everything about Rob Brydon and his life read this post!

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Rob Brydon’s Life and Education
He was born on the 3rd of May 1965. The birthplace of Rob is Baglan, Glamorgan, Wales. Rob belongs to the Welsh nationality. The current age of the popular actor Rob is 56 years and 7 months old as of December 2021. And the zodiac sign of Rob is Taurus as per his date of birth. The popular actor Rob celebrates his birthday with his family on the 3rd of May each year. Due to the lack of information, we were not able to find the details of Rob’s height and body weight on the internet at the time of writing this post. As we get it, we will update them in post.
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Rob Brydon
Regarding Rob’s physical appearance, he seems to be quite tall. But Rob’s exact height is not known. Rob is good-looking and passionate. His personality is decent. According to the sources, Rob attended St. John’s School. Rob attended Dumbarton House School until the age of 14. After that, Rob attended Porthcawl Comprehensive School. From where Rob completed his schooling. Then Rob enrolled himself at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, Cardiff. After one year, Rob left his college.
Rob Brydon Family, Parents, and Brother
Rob was born into a well-settled family. His parents were working people. The name of Rob’s father is Howard Jones. He used to work as a car dealer. The name of Rob’s mother is Joy Jones Brydon. She used to work as a school teacher. Regarding Rob’s siblings, he has a younger brother in the family. The name of Rob’s younger brother is Peter. He was born in 1973. Rob grew up with his younger brother Peter in Baglan.
Rob Brydon Career- Actor and Comedian
Rob Brydon is a popular actor, comedian, impressionist, singer, writer, as well as a presenter by profession. Rob is multitalented. During his acting career, Rob has appeared in various movies and television series as an actor. Some of Rob’s movies and television series are including Gangsta Granny, Cinderella, The Trip To Spain, Swimming with Men, The Trip to Greece, Marion, and Geoff, The Trip, The Way We Live Now, The Keith Barret Show, Supernova, Gavin & Stacey, Trust, and many more. Apart from being a popular actor, Rob has also worked as a voiceover artist. Rob has provided his voice in animated movies including The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo’s Child, as well as Room on the Boom. Rob is also recognized his voiceover work. Moreover, Rob has worked in several networks as a presenter. Rob is successful and affluent.
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Rob Brydon
Rob Brydon Net Worth, Income Sources, Fame, and Awards
The main sources of income for the popular actor Rob Brydon are movies, television shows, comedy, voiceover, and YouTube, etc. Rob has also a self-titled YouTube channel that he runs. Rob earns a good income from his income sources. According to the sources, the estimated net worth of Rob is $8 million as of 2021. Rob has a reputation and name in the entertainment industry. And Rob has created his identity with his work in the entertainment industry. Rob has gained massive success and fame in his acting and comedy career. Moreover, Rob has won The British Awards for Best Comedy Newcomer. Not only this but Rob has also won The Best TV Comedy Actor Awards.
Rob Brydon’s Wife and Children
Rob has married two times in his life. Firstly, Rob married Martina Fitchie in 1992. Rob and Martina remained husband-wife from 1992 to 2000. From their marriage, Rob and Martina shared two daughters and one son together. They are named Katie, Amy, and, Harry. Rob and Martina separated from a divorce in 2000. Secondly, Rom married Clare Holland on the 6th of October 2006 at Windsor church. Since then Rob and Clare have been living a beatific married life together. From their marriage, Rob and Clare have two sons together. They are named Tom and George. Rob is a proud father of his five children. Rob is delighted with his wife and children in his personal life.

![Rob Brydon: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 8]()
Here is the full bio of Rob Brydon, his family, mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, children, school, education, hometown, profession, nationality, body measurements, age, height, weight, eye colour, hair colour, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, cast, birthday, birthplace, hobbies, address, zodiac sign, date of birth, religion, net worth.
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Rob Brydon Bio, Height, Weight, Profile, Net Worth
Name | Rob Brydon |
Nickname | Not Known |
Gender | Male |
Profession | Actor, Comedian, Singer, Writer, and Presenter |
Height (approx.) | in centimeters– Not Known in meters– Not Known in feet inches– Not Known |
Weight (approx.) | in kilograms– Not Known in pounds– Not Known |
Figure Measurement (approx.) | Not Known |
Eye Colour | Not Known |
Hair Colour | Not Known |
Date of Birth | 3 May 1965 |
Age (as in 2021) | 56 Years |
Birth Place | Baglan, Glamorgan, Wales |
Zodiac sign/Sun sign | Taurus |
Nationality | Welsh |
Hometown | Not Known |
School | St. John’s School, Dumbarton House School, and Porthcawl Comprehensive School |
College/University | Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama |
Educational Qualification | Not Known |
Religion | Not Known |
Ethnicity | Not Known |
Caste | Not Known |
Address | Not Known |
Hobbies/Interests | Not Known |
Marital Status | Married |
Affairs/Boyfriends/Girlfriends | Not Known |
Sexuality | Not Known |
Parents | Father: Howard Jones Mother: Joy Jones |
Siblings | Brother: Peter Sister: Not Known |
Husband/Wife/Spouse | Clare Holland |
Children | Katie, Amy, Harry, Tom, and George |
Net Worth | $8 Million |

![Rob Brydon: Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Career, Family, Wife 10]()
Social Media Accounts:
Some Lesser Known Facts About Rob Brydon
- Rob Brydon is diligent who always works hard.
- Rob has been featured on the official page of Wikipedia.
- Rob is the eldest son of his parents.
- Rob leads a lavish and cozy life with his family.
- Rob has verified social media accounts on Instagram and Twitter.
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Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography
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