
Selling Sunset’s Amanza Smith reflects on frightening near-death experience: “I could have died” 2023

Selling Sunset’s Amanza Smith reflects on frightening near-death experience: “I could have died” 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Selling Sunset’s Amanza Smith reflects on frightening near-death experience: “I could have died”. Please like and share if You are interested!

Selling Sunset’s Amanza Smith just gave some more insight into her health condition after her previous scare.

One of the stars of Selling Sunset Season 6, Amanza Smith, did not have the best start to her year.

In fact, she spent weeks at the hospital after experiencing a very serious health scare.

The reality TV star kept her fans updated by documenting her medical journey on her social media.

Now feeling better and on the road to recovery, she has recently shared just how bad her situation really was.

Is Selling Sunset’s Amanza Smith feeling better?

On August 11, Amanza spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about her health. And she did not hold back from discussing how severe her condition became.

She said, “I could have died. They literally told me if I had stayed home even one or two more days with how severe it was that I might not be here, so it’s been a crazy journey getting back on my feet.”

Amanza explained why she has not only documented her physical health journey but has also given insight into her mental health as well.

She added, “I’ve always been a pretty open book, but now, with Selling Sunset, I have a platform and I feel like it’s my duty as somebody who’s in the spotlight to help bring awareness to mental health and make people understand that it’s OK to talk about it.”

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Fans will be glad to see her return for Season 7 of Selling Sunset, which is set to premiere on Netflix in October.

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To stay updated on all things Selling Sunset and the upcoming seasons, make sure to check our page here.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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