
Super Nintendo World proposal TikTok goes viral after Luigi ignores couple 2023

Super Nintendo World proposal TikTok goes viral after Luigi ignores couple 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Super Nintendo World proposal TikTok goes viral after Luigi ignores couple. Please like and share if You are interested!

A proposal TikTok at Nintendo’s Super Nintendo World theme park has gone viral after a Luigi mascot appeared oblivious to the happy couple.

The Super Nintendo World theme park at Universal Studios in California finally opened to the public at the start of 2023 — two years after the first Super Mario World opened in Japan.

Since then, Nintendo fans have flocked to the park to live out their wildest Mushroom Kingdom fantasies and spend the day with Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach.

However, one happy couple’s proposal TikTok at Super Nintendo World unexpectedly went viral after viewers noticed that Luigi had seemingly ignored the man proposing right next to him.

Super Nintendo World proposal goes viral thanks to Luigi mascot

The TikTok came from bellabelli260, who posted the video on August 13, 2023. The 16-second TikTok showed her now-fiancé getting down on one knee with a ring to propose.

The romantic moment was perfectly captured on video, with the Mario mascot quickly noticing the interaction and clapping happily while looking surprised.

Unfortunately, it seemed the Luigi mascot wasn’t up to speed on what was happening right next to him, as the green plumber stood still and stared straight ahead the entire time.

Viewers in the comments section pointed out just how funny Luigi looked before he finally noticed what was happening at the end.

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“Luigi did NOT care,” said one viewer, while another TikTok user pointed out, “Luigi not noticing till later” is just part of his character.

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Others pointed out how funny the automated voice lines from the mascots sounded during such a heartfelt moment. “Can you imagine being proposed to and in the background Mario is just blabbing about ‘its Mario time!’”

While Luigi may not have been overly invested in the couple’s proposal, it will surely make for a memory they won’t soon forget.

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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