
Tan France Net Worth, Wiki: Who Are His Parents? Fashion Designer Religion And Relationship 2023

Tan France Net Worth, Wiki: Who Are His Parents? Fashion Designer Religion And Relationship 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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Learn about the parents and relatives of acclaimed fashion designer Tan France. His parents are from Pakistan, although they reside in England and own separate enterprises. Tan France is a television personality and fashion expert/designer. The British-American designer rose to prominence as the fashion consultant on Netflix’s Queer Eye. He is also well-known for presenting the online series Dressing Funny and co-hosting Next in Fashion. He also published his book “Naturally Tan” in June 2019. Because of his celebrity, there is a lot of interest in the 40-year-old fashion guru. As a result, we’ve compiled a list of everything we know about Tan France’s parents, religion, nationality, and personal life.

Tan France’s Parents: Religion, Nationality, and Full Name

Tan Tanveer Wasim Safdar is France’s true name. His parents raised him in South Yorkshire, England. Tan’s mother and father are both from Pakistan. Tan, like the rest of the Safdar family, is a Muslim. Tan France’s parents moved to England when she was a youngster. The fashion designer grew up in Doncaster with two older brothers and one sister. Tan’s uncle from his father’s side lived next door to the Safdar household. While his parents managed cab services, post offices, and convenience shops at various times, his grandpa owned a denim factory in Bury.

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Every day, he went to the mosque and avoided mingling outside of his area. France spent all of his spare time in his room, playing with Barbie dolls and listening to Kylie Minogue’s I Should Be So Lucky. Tan stated he was exposed to prejudice at an early age and chose a diplomatic approach. “I was aware that having a negative reaction would be ineffective,” the clothes designer told The Guardian in an interview.

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Tan France Net Worth, Wiki: Who Are His Parents? Fashion Designer Religion And Relationship 1Tan France Net Worth, Wiki: Who Are His Parents? Fashion Designer Religion And Relationship 2

“It wouldn’t matter if I called them anything or swore at them in return. If they were willing to talk to me, I might ask them, “What is your problem with Pakistanis?” “Who do you think we are?” he went on.

Tan France, His Partner, And Their Children

The television personality lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his partner/husband, Rob France. Since 2007, the pair have been married. The couple has been married twice. They married initially in London. They had a second wedding ceremony in New York City when their marriage became legal. Tan France’s spouse is a pediatric nurse who also works as an artist. Tan and his spouse have a son named Ismail France via surrogacy. On July 10, 2021, the baby boy was delivered prematurely (seven weeks early). Ismail was admitted to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) for three weeks.

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Tan France was helped by Queer Eye to change his relationship with his family.

Tan France was raised in a conservative Muslim environment where homosexuality was frowned upon. The British-American designer was one of the first openly homosexual South Asian men in the Western entertainment business, as well as one of the first out Muslim gay men. During a podcast interview with Van Ness, the famous fashion designer said that his parents and siblings originally refused to watch Queer Eye. However, after seeing it, they discovered that it was much superior to their expectations. “You have made us so proud, and you are just who you are,” Tan’s family said. France claimed that his family was concerned that he might act differently in his personal life. The Safdar family’s opinion altered when they discovered Tan was the same guy they had known their whole lives.

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Categories: Biography
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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