
Temptation Island: Roberto shocks viewers by wanting to give Vanessa another chance 2023

Temptation Island: Roberto shocks viewers by wanting to give Vanessa another chance 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about Temptation Island: Roberto shocks viewers by wanting to give Vanessa another chance. Please like and share if You are interested!

Roberto and Vanessa from season 5 of Temptation Island

Temptation Island’s Roberto and Vanessa might be the only couple to remain intact on the dating series since Roberto has expressed his desire to make it work with his girlfriend.

Season 5 of Temptation Island has faced major criticism from fans for casting couples who seem to want nothing to do with each other from the jump. These contestants are giving in to temptation a bit too easily, and no one on the series seems all that concerned about making it work with the person they initially came to the island with.

That is, of course, with the exception of Roberto. Despite having his major hangups with his girlfriend Vanessa since the get-go, he seems to be the only contestant who isn’t entirely ready to give up their relationship.

Can Vanessa and Roberto make it work on Temptation Island?

Vanessa and Roberto came into the villa with significant baggage. Not only were they shown to persistently fight, but Vanessa says she believes she lowered her standards for her younger boyfriend.

While it may seem as though all the odds are stacked against them, Roberto has shocked fans by saying he’s not quite ready to give their relationship up.

Ever since entering the villa, Roberto has been romantically drawn to one of the singles of his house, Desiree. While the two have been getting along great, the 24-year-old admits to her in episode 9 that he still doesn’t know if he’ll choose her or his girlfriend at the final bonfire.

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While there’s a chance that Roberto and Vanessa will end up leaving the island together intact, fans of the reality series aren’t entirely keen on the idea of their rekindling.

“I hope Rob chooses to leave the island with his new girl,” one fan wrote on the Temptation Island Reddit thread. “Vanessa is a strong woman and none of these men are well suited for her. She’ll meet her guy one day soon.”

Another viewer held the opposite stance, saying Rob is the one who deserves more. “Rob is evolving into a stronger individual right before my eyes,” the fan wrote. “He knows what he wants and he doesn’t have to lower his standards for Vanessa or anyone. He wants to be happy.”

Stay tuned to Temptation Island to see if Vanessa and Rob can make it work in the long run.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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