Below we will provide detailed information about Terrell Owens when the public is searching about it on the internet. The public is taking to the internet to learn more about Terrell Owens and not only that, they also want to know about his accident because the news about it is spreading on the internet. So, for our readers, we have included information about Terrell Owens in this article. Not only that, we also provided detailed information about his accident as the public was searching about it on the internet. So, continue reading through the article to know more.
Terrell Owens car accident
One of the best wide receivers in NFL history, Terrell Owens, was embroiled in a strange and scary situation on Monday night. Many sources said that during an argument with another guy during a pickup basketball game, Owens was hit by a car in Calabasas, California. The former NFL player was injured when the man allegedly crashed his car into Owens’ knee. The story was originally reported by TMZ Sports, which claimed Owens got into a verbal argument with a player while playing basketball in the Calabasas area. After the match, the man and Owens got into a heated argument. He then intentionally used his car to hit Owens’ leg.
Although Owens did not need emergency medical assistance, he reported the assault with a deadly weapon to authorities. USA Today Sports has been informed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department that they are treating this incident as an intentional act and not an accident. As of Tuesday afternoon, no one had been arrested. In recent months, Owens has been involved in physical altercations. This is not the first time. Owens was seen on camera hitting a man in a CVS parking lot in Inglewood, California, in November 2022. After the man followed him outside the business and harassed him, he also as a fan inside, Owens said he acted in self-defense.
He claimed that because the man had initially attacked him, he felt compelled to stop him from getting any worse. Considered one of the greatest receivers of all time, Owens spent 15 seasons in the NFL with five different teams. In career receiving yards (15,934), touchdowns (153) and career receptions (1,078), he ranked third. In 2018, he was admitted into the Professional Football Hall of Fame. However, he chose to hold his event at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, his alma mater, instead of the ceremony in Canton.
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Source: Tekmonk Bio
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