
The 16 Best Minion Memes 2023

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In this Article, We will know about The 16 Best Minion Memes. Please like and share if You are interested!

Minions are the stars. Despicable Me, one of the most successful Universal Pictures animated films in recent history. These little yellow creatures have emerged since the dawn of time. Over the centuries, they have evolved into the present form, with the sole purpose of serving evil geniuses. Unfortunately, they are not the smartest creatures in the world and ultimately always kill their owners. While they do their best to be helpful, their actions often end in disaster. This makes them the ideal theme for Minion memes.

Funny creatures from Despicable Me has become a fan favorite and the memes they showcase are often hilarious. They can be used for all kinds of situations and Jokes. Many Minion memes really have nothing to do with Minions themselves, but the addition of these enthusiastic, positive and exotic characters helps to make the meme more funny.

So whether you’re a fan of movies or just want a good giggle, here are the 16 best minion memes on the internet.

1. View Your Steps

PG / Facebook

Minions are clumsy little creatures and this Minion meme summarizes it perfectly. It also has to do with anyone who finds themselves falling down a lot.

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2. Extra Life

The 16 Best Minion Memes 1The 16 Best Minion Memes 2

Memes Felt

Minions are not the smartest knives in the draw and this meme proves it.

3. Avoid Exercise

The 16 Best Minion Memes 3The 16 Best Minion Memes 4

MinionsQuotespage Page / Facebook

No one likes to exercise. This Minion is doing its best not to exercise by disguising and hiding in the fitness protection program. This is a pretty funny meme and a great idea that will bring a smile to your dial.

4. Life Is Like…

The 16 Best Minion Memes 5The 16 Best Minion Memes 6

MinionsQuotepage Page / Facebook

Riffing on the classic line from the movie Jennifer Lopez, it’s hard to disagree with this meme that can provide some inspiration to get rid of your buttocks and pursue your dreams. Or it will just remind you of the spicy food you ate last night.

5. True Story

The 16 Best Minion Memes 7The 16 Best Minion Memes 8

MinionsQuotespage Page / Facebook

Who can stay away from bubble wrap? It’s not just kids who like to go pop. Adding a Minion to the mixture only gives this meme a bold feeling.

6. Cheesecake Please

The 16 Best Minion Memes 9The 16 Best Minion Memes 10

Home / Instagram

This fun Minion Meme is all about food while performing a crack during exercise. The only exercise this Minion is doing is running into the kitchen to eat cheesecake. We can’t blame Minion though. We will do the same.

7. Funny Toilet

The 16 Best Minion Memes 11The 16 Best Minion Memes 12

PG / Facebook

This can be a little adult just but there is no doubt when it comes to needing a toilet when you don’t feel good it can be a better feeling than love. The addition of hilarious Minion only adds to the laughter that you get when you look at this meme.

8. I don’t like Monday

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Minion Quotes / Facebook

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This Minion meme hits home for everyone. Whenever Monday comes around it is both a sense of cynicism and fear. Did the weekend really come and go?

9. Born To Work

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PG / Facebook

This Minion Meme is exactly how many of us feel about life. You are born, you go to school, you work, and then you die. The image of Minion quite a lot aggregates what most people think about this.

10. Hi?

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bostonsportsfan007 / Instagram

This Meme is spot on. Why does it in horror movies people always call out expect an answer? Just shut up and get out there! Memes Minion does not get much humor.

11. You Can’t Punish Me Now

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minions_ota / Instagram

This is a smart meme that many children will want to try at school. Although it will probably not go well with the teacher, it will definitely get some laughter from other children in class. Just make sure your mothers don’t find out if you try this in real life.

12. How Good Is The Bed?

The 16 Best Minion Memes 21The 16 Best Minion Memes 22

PG / Facebook

This is the best form of day and night. You, your bed, and some happy dreams. What more can you want? The image of Minion also makes this meme a bit vulgar.

13. He Is Your Henchman

The 16 Best Minion Memes 23The 16 Best Minion Memes 24

Minion Quotes / Facebook

This is a rather funny short joke, to be honest. In Despicable Me, The Minions are quite small, so if you are on the shorter side, you are your partner’s personal Minions. Sorry guys.

14. Expert Opinion

The 16 Best Minion Memes 25The 16 Best Minion Memes 26

minions.Saga / Instagram

When it comes to needing an expert opinion on things, no one is better equipped than yourself. Love this meme.

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15. Passive Aggressive

The 16 Best Minion Memes 27The 16 Best Minion Memes 28

Minion Quotes / Facebook

We all know someone like this. Although passive aggressive behavior is not a matter of laughing, when you have an odd minion as part of a joke, it is difficult not to find this meme funny.

16. Can I ask you a question?

The 16 Best Minion Memes 29The 16 Best Minion Memes 30

Dazzlindave / Instagram

This is not the type of text you want to receive from your partner. It can only spell trouble.

Categories: Funny
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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