
The 5 Best Apps for Instagram Content Creators 2023

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In this Article, We will know about The 5 Best Apps for Instagram Content Creators. Please like and share if You are interested!

Being a content creator on Instagram is a lot of hard work. Fortunately, there are several apps you can use to make things easier.

Key Takeaways

  • Stand out as an Instagram content creator by posting high-quality content using VSCO’s free version, which offers presets and essential editing tools.
  • Engage with your followers on Instagram by regularly posting captivating stories using Canva’s ready-made templates, available for free or with an affordable subscription.
  • Maintain an aesthetic feed and plan your content in advance using UNUM, which allows you to schedule and auto-post your Instagram posts, providing detailed analytics and additional editing features.



From creating engaging content to maintaining an aesthetic feed, Instagram content creators have tons to worry about. Whether you’re a fashion influencer or a lifestyle content creator, maintaining your position as a content creator on Instagram amidst the intense competition can be challenging.

The ultimate question is—how do you differentiate yourself from the thousands of creators on Instagram? You can do so by posting regularly, optimizing your posts, checking your post analytics regularly, and so much more! We’ve listed seven apps to help you combat the competition on Instagram and make your Instagram journey easier to manage.


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One of the best ways to stand out as a content creator and get noticed on Instagram is by posting high-quality content. While Instagram has a range of in-app filters and editing tools you can use, VSCO is an all-in-one photo editing app. The app also has a paid subscription. However, even with the free version, you’ll have numerous tools to begin your content-creating journey.

VSCO’s free version allows you to use 17 free presets. You can adjust the intensity of these presets by clicking on the preset of your choice and using the slider. Besides the presets, the editing app includes all the basic editing tools you need as an influencer. You can tweak your image’s exposure, contrast, sharpness, saturation, and more.

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By upgrading to the paid version of VSCO, you can use over 200 presets and advanced editing tools. If you post a mix of images and Instagram Reels, editing your photos and videos in a single app may be a good option. Fortunately, VSCO’s paid version also features an in-app video editor.

Download: VSCO for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

2. Canva

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Staying connected and engaging with your followers is crucial if you want to expand your audience on Instagram. Posting regularly on your Instagram story is the best way to interact with your audience. While Instagram’s algorithm for getting more views on your stories changes frequently, posting more is the key to getting maximum reach on your stories.

Luckily, Canva is one of the most popular graphic designing apps and has thousands of ready-made templates that you can use to create captivating stories. Open the Canva app and keep scrolling until you find a tab labeled Instagram Stories, and tap See All.

You can narrow your search down by using filters like Style, Theme, Subject, Color, and more. If you have a specific design in mind, you can type keywords into the search bar.

While the app does have a premium subscription, most features and templates are available with the free version. However, if you decide to upgrade to the paid plan, you’ll be pleased to know that it is quite affordable. Canva’s interface is user-friendly. Additionally, if you prefer following a cohesive theme, you can use Canva to post a coordinated set of stories.

Download: Canva for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)


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It might sound cliché, but a first impression is the last impression. Maintaining an aesthetic Instagram feed is the key to convincing Instagram users to follow your account. However, Instagram does not let you preview how your images will look on your feed once you post them. Luckily, UNUM allows you to do that and more!

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Other than allowing you to plan your content, you can schedule your posts or stories to post on your Instagram automatically. The best part about the auto-post feature is that you can schedule posts months ahead! If you realize a post doesn’t match the aesthetic of your feed, the app has a few editing tools and filters.

You can also see detailed analytics of your Instagram posts. This will give you a better understanding of what strategies are generating results. While most of UNUM’s features are free, you can upgrade to the premium plan to edit videos, find hashtags, and unlock advanced photo editing features.

Download: UNUM for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

4. CapCut

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If your Instagram Reels are not getting any views, it might be time to switch to a new video editor. CapCut is one of the most popular mobile video editors and is equipped with every tool you need to create an incredible high-quality Reel. Whether you want to create a promotional video for your Instagram story or a monthly wrap-up Reel, CapCut is the app for you!

The all-in-one editing app features thousands of ready-to-use templates. If you’re looking for a specific template, you can filter the options into categories like Marketing, Fun Play, Vlog, and more or by entering a few keywords in the search bar. Once you find a template for your video, tap it and press Use Template.

What drives most content creators to the video editor is its easy-to-use interface and wide collection of copyright-free music. However, the app’s AI-powered features are why CapCut stands out from other editing apps. The app’s text-to-speech AI can generate captions for your Instagram content within seconds. Other AI features include background remover, auto-split, voice changer, and more.

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Download: CapCut for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

5. Later

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As a content creator, posting content manually is not ideal. While UNUM has a post scheduler, it lacks a few features. Later is a much more powerful post-scheduler. The app allows you to cross-post content on other social media platforms. Using the Later app is extremely straightforward due to its user-friendly interface.

Once you find an image or video you want to post on Instagram, upload it to the app’s Media Gallery by tapping the Media tab at the bottom of the screen. Next, tap the Schedule tab and press Go to Media Gallery. Next, select the images or videos you just uploaded and choose a date and time.

Once you’ve scheduled your posts, you will receive a notification when it goes live on your Instagram. Unfortunately, Instagram stories can not be published automatically. Instead, once you schedule it, you’ll receive a push notification once it’s ready to go live. To use Later, you must have a business or creator Instagram account.

With Later’s free plan, content creators can schedule five posts per social media platform. Later offers three premium subscriptions. The paid plans analyze when your followers are most active and give you scheduling suggestions accordingly. You can also set a caption, add a location, tag people, and schedule a first comment once you upgrade.

Download: Later for iOS | Android (Free, subscription available)

Become an Instagram Content Creator Today

All the apps mentioned above serve unique purposes and are must-haves for an Instagram content creator.

By downloading these apps, you’ll be able to create an attractive profile and expand your audience significantly.

Ultimately, you should direct your efforts toward posting high-quality consistently and regularly interacting with your audience.

Categories: Tips & Tricks
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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