
The swiss football league, until the end of march to shut down due to feline corona virus

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The Swiss football league is currently shut in due to the corona virus. It will be up to the 23rd of march, no games played in the Super League. you can Follo

The Swiss football league is currently shut in due to the corona virus. It will be up to the 23rd of march, no games played in the Super League.

you can Follow the latest developments of the virus in our liveblog.

now, The Swiss football association SFV here on Monday to do so, after all of the clubs in the top division in the country due to economic reasons, have refused to get these people to work with.

The teams in the Super League, met this past weekend in action on the part of the corona virus, as the Swiss government, events, and more than a thousand spectators, to pull it had been prohibited.

In Switzerland, there are currently 23 people have been infected with the corona virus. The counter is worldwide, to nearly 90 000 infections and more than 3,000 deaths.

in The Super-League is the 23rd speelrondes along the way. FC-Pc.Wi-fi is at the top with 45 points, followed by the BSC Young Boys (also 45 points but less goal difference) and FC Basel (40 points).

this season, two players active in the Super League. Ricky van Wolfswinkel is under contract with FC Basel, and Alex Schalk earn money by Servette FC.

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Date Of Update: 02 March 2020, 19:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: The swiss football league, until the end of march to shut down due to feline corona virus – Tekmonk Bio, The swiss football league, until the end of march to shut down due to feline corona virus – Kungfutv, The swiss football league, until the end of march to shut down due to feline corona virus – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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