
TikTok star Pope The Barber dies aged 34 2023

TikTok star Pope The Barber dies aged 34 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about TikTok star Pope The Barber dies aged 34. Please like and share if You are interested!

TikToker Adonis Beck, who’s also known as Pope The Barber on the social media app, has tragically died at the age of 34.

Adonis was best known for his hair styling skills, and he’d amassed over 110,000 followers and 279,000 likes on his TikTok page. The renowned barber also had an account with his ex-girlfriend, Lisa Brezinski, which they used to post hair tutorials and amusing content.

The duo had 7 million followers on their account, and their popularity prompted other creators to nominate them for TikTok‘s LGBTQ+ Trailblazers for Pride Month.

On August 11, a social media page announced that Adonis had passed away. While the cause of his death is unknown, The Andy Lander Show claimed that Pope The Barber was battling anxiety and depression after his break up with Lisa.

Tributes paid to Pope The Barber

Following the tragic news, Lisa B took to Instagram to pay tribute to her former partner. “My heart is shattered,” she wrote. “You were my best friend, my true love, my partner and my other half.

“You changed millions of peoples lives with your bright light and love. You were unlike anyone I’ve ever met. The most amazing human. I’ll forever cherish our time together. I miss you and I love you.”

Fans of Adonis also took to social media to pay their respects to the TikTok star. “Mental health is so real, we need to take it more serious. I hope he can find peace now,” one supporter wrote. “This makes me so incredibly sad, I remember seeing them in the very beginning of the pandemic. RIP,” another shared.

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“This is so sad. Fighting the darkest demons on your own is always a losing battle. May you rest in eternal peace,” a third commented.

According to the Andy Lander Show, fans believed Adonis died of an overdose. However, authorities have yet to disclose his cause of death as the autopsy is still pending.

Pope The Barber’s death follows the passing of another major TikTok creator Carl Eiswerth, who lost his life in a fatal car accident.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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