
TikToker catches stalker smelling women at Barnes and Nobel 2023

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A TikToker has shared the “ugly side of doing things solo as a woman” after she filmed a man stalking and smelling her at a Barnes and Nobel store — and she wasn’t the only one he pursued.

TikToker Michaela Witter, who goes by ‘michaela.witter’ on the platform, has been filming a series of videos called “100 Days of solo dates”. However, day 20 saw the series take an unsettling turn.

Pulling out a card from her jar of solo date ideas, it was determined that Michaela would be visiting Starbucks and Barnes and Nobel.

With her iced drink in one hand, Michaela was “super excited” to browse the books when she became aware of a man stalking her through the isles and getting far too close for comfort.

Catching everything on camera, the man would repeatedly come up behind Michaela and other women in the store. He would then duck down, seemingly in an attempt to sniff the women.

When Michaela confronted the man and asked what he was doing, he claimed to be simply tying his shoelaces. She told the staff working at the store but, realizing he’d been caught, the man promptly left.

Michaela shared her experience on TikTok, captioning the video as “the ugly side of doing things solo as a woman even in an open public space.”

In a follow-up video, Michaela stated she would be filing a police report after many commenters recognized the man and shared their own similar experiences with him.

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It was revealed he was a repeat offender who had stalked multiple women in the area and had previously been jailed for eight years after stalking the then 14-year-old daughter of former basketball player Robert Horry.

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“Please be safe and attentive to your surroundings unlike myself,” Michaela told her followers. “Unfortunately, as women, we have to have all senses aware even in spaces we wouldn’t think necessary.”

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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