
TikToker Rodger Cleye accused of sexual harassment by 19-year-old 2023

TikToker Rodger Cleye accused of sexual harassment by 19-year-old 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about TikToker Rodger Cleye accused of sexual harassment by 19-year-old. Please like and share if You are interested!

Popular TikTok singer Rodger Cleye, who has over 3 million followers on the app, has been accused of sexual harassment.

Rodger Cleye, a 58-year-old TikTok creator known for his viral singing videos and relatable POV content, is facing sexual harassment allegations.

In an August 14 video, 19-year-old Olivia McCraw said that Rodger flew to visit her so that they could sing a duet together. She claimed that he acted inappropriately and made several unwanted advances towards her.

Olivia alleged that while she was with the 58-year-old in his hotel room, he went to the bathroom with the door open and then kissed her. The teen stated that she only kissed the TikToker because she was scared about what might happen if she rejected him since they were alone.

She later told Rodger that he’d made her uncomfortable, however, he got angry and started bombarding her with messages and videos. Olivia revealed that some days she’d wake up to 45 messages from him, including videos of himself singing in the bathtub.

In her video, Olivia went on to say that he accused her of using him for fame and called her a “predator” and a “manipulative little girl” after she rejected him.

“I’m Olivia McCraw and I’m telling my truth, and I hope you hear it,” she said at the end of her 4-minute video, which currently has over 3.1 million views.

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Olivia later shared a follow-up clip, in which she revealed that Rodger was falsely claiming that she was a teen mom who catfished him and she was “extremely flirtatious.”

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In deleted TikToks, she also shared their private messages where he allegedly asked if she enjoyed it when he rubbed her back, which she said made her “uncomfortable,” and revealed that he works with women as moderators for his livestreams because “men don’t work for free.”

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Following the accusations, Rodger has deleted posts he had of Olivia on his Instagram page, and his TikTok account is no longer available.

Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

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